Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Vitamin C Practical Experiment Write Up

Based on knowledge already at hand, My hypothesis will be that freshly squeezed juice will contain more vitamin C compared to juices that are from concentrate and that juice from lemons will contain more vitamin C due to their acidity. Variables; Variables such as temperature could affect the results that are collected, as much as can be done to control the temperature to make the results accurate will be done, holding samples with hands can increase the temperature slightly so they will be handled by the lip of the vial and placed into a rack. When testing samples multiple times I will ensure that the equipment cleaned and dried or if possible new as the pH of water might affect the reaction of DCPIP and ascorbic acid, water can also affect the results depending on whether it is ‘hard water' or ‘soft water', hard water contains more mineral and more chlorine is present. Measuring will be as close to as possible accurate, this will include re-measuring samples. I will be measuring the amount of juice sample solution it takes to decolourise 1cm of DCPIP, first I will use a controlled sample of 1% vitamin C to decolourise the DCPIP, and with this I can compare results from the other juice samples. The measurements will be taken with a pipette and released into the DCPIP 1ml at a time, each time 1ml is released it will be shaken to allow a fair mix of solution, and this will be repeated on till decolourisation. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) has a pH of under 4-5 when diluted with water DCPIP, 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol, which is a dye used to monitor light reaction in photosynthesis Apparatus & Chemicals; Pipette Fruit Juice Samples DCPIP 1% Solution Test tubes Test tube rack Burette (Possibly) Glass Rod (Possibly) I have decided to use test tubes because they provide a clear sight into the experiment at hand, they are also smaller then Pyrex beakers which would spread the solution over a large surface where as a test tube would make it easier to establish decolourisation. Pipettes are a fast way to measure the solution with a limited amount of time, it is a suitable and vital piece of apparatus however there might be a probably with used pipettes as they can have dents from previous experiments and would only be accurate to around 0.0ml-0.2ml when measuring solutions. A burette would allow an accurate measure of how much solution has been added into the DCPIP, probably a greater accuracy then using a pipette. A glass rod would allow a fair mixing of the solution but the effects on the results are unknown. Safety; Take care of glassware. Sanitise experimental area after. Wear eye protection at all times.. Care when handling juice samples or chemicals as they may stain. Do not drink juice samples as dangerous chemicals may be present after experimentation. Pre-Experiment Method; The method I will be conducting is simple. I will measure 1% DCPIP 1cm(3) from a beaker to a pipette, with another pipette I will add the 1% vitamin C solution which is the control of the experiment 1cm(3) at a time to a test tube, each time 1cm(3) is added, I will gently stir the test tube to make sure then the reaction takes place. I will repeat this on till the DCPIP solution is decolourised. To get a fair and accurate result I will repeat this 3 times and then average the results. Outliers will be excluded to keep the test accurate. The samples will be kept in a test tube rack to compare different colours. The next juice two sample will be tested with the same amount of DCPIP, first placed into a test tube via pipette then another unused Pipette will extract the juice sample and will be added into the DCPIP 1ml at a time then stirred gently and this will continue on till the DCPIP is decolourised. The time allocated during this experiment is 1/2 hour. Accuracy could be improved but due to this some apparatus and time will be put aside in order to complete the experiment There are some ethical issues with testing these chemicals and releasing them into the sewer as they are not helpful to the environment due to their pH, care will be taken so that any DCPIP and Vitamin C is not wasted and only what is needed is used. Results; Once all of the data was collected, It was input into the table below, It shows the amount of juice required to decolourise the DCPIP, 3 tests were conducted and from that you can then work out the average with a formula to get the average, the average can be used to conclude a fair result from all 3 of the trials. Vol. Of Juice Required to Decolourise 1cm(3) of 1% DCPIP Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Average Vitamin C. Content Vitamin C Solution 6ml 7ml 9ml 7.3ml 0.13g Pure Orange Juice 14ml 15ml 18ml 15.6ml 0.06g Jiff 5.5ml 5ml 6ml 5.5ml 0.18g These results show that the juice sample that contains the most Vitamin C was the Jiff, with an average of 5.5ml to turn the DCPIP decolourised compared to the 15.6ml of pure orange Juice. The Vitamin C. Solution took 7.3ml to decolourise the DCPIP which was 1.8ml more than Jiff, This suggests to me that Jiff contains less water than the Vitamin C. 1% Solution did. With the average, I then calculated the Content of Vitamin C in each of the samples by Dividing them by the 1ml of 1% DCPIP Solution which gave the sum then converted to grams. These results prove my hypothesis in that freshly squeezed fruit will contain more vitamin C, this is because it will not have been watered down by manufacturers for a higher quantity. The results also prove my hypothesis is right that lemons contain more Vitamin C. Due to their acidity which is the sign of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and their low pH levels. This line graph shows the plot of the tests carried out. From this we can see that for pure orange juice and Vitamin C samples that there is a steady rise from test 1 to test 3, this could be due to a number of factors that I will include in my limitations, However the Jiff tests shows to be accurate and consistent from test 1 to test 3. There is a 4ml difference from test 1 to test 3 in the pure orange juice tests. There is a 2ml difference from test 1 to test 2 in the Vitamin C 1% Solution Test. This graph also shows standard deviation, from the bars we can see the average of the test, it measures the spread of data from the mean. The results conclude that the deviation is a Low standard deviation because the valves are not spread out so much. The equation for the standard deviation used is; The graph shows that on all samples tested, Post-Experiment Method, Limitations and Variables; As planned the measurements of the juice solutions were accurately measured and did not obscure sight in the pipette, However the DCPIP was to a degree harder to measure due to the darkness of the solution, it covered the pipette in a dark blue colour and was hard to tell where and how much solution was being measured. The experiment took slightly longer due to this as I had to wait for the solution to settle into the solution. As this was the first time carrying out an experiment like this, it was unknown that the 1% Vitamin C solution Control would turn into a brown colour when decolourised, Although this happened I still recorded the results and then continue to see if any difference would appear but after 5 minutes of no change they were placed into a test tube rack to be observed later on and compared with the other trials, the result was that they did turn brown and that was expected to be the end of the trial. The Pure Orange Juice also produced different than expected appearance, the solution did decolourise the solution but it turned to a yellow colour which was the original of the juice sample. One problem that I was faced with was the limited amount of apparatus, I ended up having to clean them with tap water, they were dried but to a certain extent, the pH of the water could affect the experiments outcome, however all the of solutions would have had some water in them so this shouldn't affect the results in a significant way. Post-Experiment Method, Limitations and Variables-Continued; Other problem in the experiment that I later picked up on from observation was that the DCPIP and Juice solutions' were left open meaning that oxidation could affect the results which is a loss of electrons and a gain in hydrogen, this will cause the DCPIP to turn blue again, as Vitamin C is a reducing agent it adds electrons therefore its used in this experiment because it will change colour. The limitation of this experiment is that it was only repeated three times due to the amount of time available, more results would have given better accuracy in results and given me the chance to spot outliers in the experiment. We also do not know if Vitamin C is lost during ageing or through heat treatment which often products go through to ensure that it's free from harmful bacteria. One improvement that could be made to the experiment is the equipment, having a larger choice to use from, and enough so that other factors like water don't come into play. One modification that could used is that now we know that after a certain colour in the process of decolourisation we know that the trial is finished therefore saving us time for something else. Another Improvement is to be more careful with the juice samples and to keep them contained so that they are not affected by the elements. Summary; In this experiment, I learned that freshly squeezed orange juice will contain more vitamin C then juices from concentrate and that lemon contain more vitamin C then oranges. The experiment carried out was to measure the content of Vitamin C in the selected fruit samples, from the results I can conclude that the results were accurate, reliable and precise therefore allowing me to state this conclusion and to prove my hypothesis right!

Homelessness: What We Can Do About It

â€Å"Being homeless is often defined as sleeping on the streets. Although this is the most visible and severe form of homelessness, there are many other types of acute housing need. These include living in temporary accommodation, poor or overcrowded conditions, or being in mortgage arrears and under threat of re-possession. † (Hope, 27) It is a symptom of many complex problems: mental illness, emotional instability, illiteracy, chronic substance abuse, unemployment, and, most basic of all, the breakdown of city planning. Anyone can become homeless and the reasons that force people into homelessness are many and varied. The leading cause, however, of homelessness in the United States is the inability of poor people to afford housing. â€Å"Housing costs have risen significantly over the last decade, while the incomes of poor and middle-class Americans have stagnated. † (Erickson, 169) The millions of Americans who are unemployed or work in low-paying jobs are among the most vulnerable to becoming homeless. Therefore, homelessness, housing, and income are inextricably linked. Low-income people are frequently unable to pay for housing, food, child-care, health care, and education. Difficult choices must be made when limited resources cover only some of these necessities. Often it is housing, which takes a high proportion of income that must be dropped. Two major sources of income are from employment and public assistance. A decrease in either one of them would certainly put poor people at risk of homelessness. Additionally, minimum wage earnings no longer lift families above the poverty line. More than 3 million poor Americans spend more than half of their total income on housing, yet the Department of Housing and Urban Development estimates families should spend no more than 30%. † (Gilbert, 84) Although many homeless adults are employed, they work in day-labor jobs that do not meet basic needs, while technological acceleration excludes others from a competitive job market. Many factors have contributed to declining work opportunities for large segments of the workforce, including the loss of well-paying manufacturing jobs. The decline in relatively secure and well-paying jobs in manufacturing, which have been replaced by less secure and poorly-paid jobs in the service sector, has greatly limited the opportunities for poorly-educated and low-skilled segments of the population. This transformation has led to an unprecedented incidence of chronic unemployment and underemployment. (Hardin, 379) â€Å"Underemployment is an especially useful measure of the decline in secure jobs since, unlike the unemployment rate, measures of underemployment reflect not only individuals who are unemployed, but also involuntary part-timers and those who have given up seeking work. (Hardin, 263) In addition to increasing underemployment, an estimated 29. 4% of the workforce are employed in nonstandard work arrangements, for example, independent contracting, working for a temporary help agency, day labor, and regular part-time employment. These kinds of work arrangements typically offer lower wages, fewer benefits, and less job security. â€Å"As recently as 1967, a year-round worker earning the minimum wage was paid enough to raise a family of three above the poverty line† (Sklar, 103). From 1981-1990, however, â€Å"the minimum wage was frozen at $3. 5 an hour, while the cost of living increased 48% over the same period. Congress raised the minimum wage to $5. 15 per hour in 1996. This increase made up only slightly more than half of the ground lost to inflation in the 1980s† (Hardin, 191). Thus, full-time year-round minimum-wage earnings currently not equal to the estimated poverty line for a family of three. Unsurprisingly, the decline in the value of the minimum wage has been accompanied by an increase in the number of people earning poverty-level wages and the declining wages have put housing out of reach for many workers, in every state. Slashed public assistance has also left many people homeless or at risk of homelessness. Replacement of the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) entitlement program, a program that was already inadequate in meeting the needs of families, with the non-entitlement block grant program would significantly increase the risk of homelessness for many Americans. Furthermore, earned income and asset limitations discourage individuals and families from breaking the cycle of homelessness and extreme poverty. Several states have terminated or reduced public assistance and food stamps for individuals, while Social Security Income (SSI) is inadequate, and sometimes impossible to obtain, for disabled individuals. As a result, the number of poor Americans is growing and the poor are getting poorer. Across America, there has been a substantial decline in the number of housing units that low-income people and those in need of shelter assistance can afford. Those losses have resulted primarily from downtown urban renewal, gentrification, abandonment, and suburban land use controls. The elimination and reduction of federal low income housing programs has also dramatically reduced the supply of affordable shelter. Moreover, construction of low income and assisted housing has essentially stopped. Due to the increased demand and diminished supply of housing or shelter, the problem of homelessness is further deteriorated. The amount of housing available in the private sector rental stock is diminishing rapidly. As more and more landlords abandon apartment buildings and houses rather than repair them, the housing supply for the poor has declined at an accelerating pace in some cities in the nation. The growth of service-sector employment in central business districts has attracted white-collar professionals, many of whom prefer to live in accessible central city neighborhoods, where they compete with poor, indigenous residents for private market housing (Noyelle, 210). The result is frequently gentrification of inner city housing which traditionally has been the major source of low- income housing. At the same time, downtown service sector expansion has created jobs for many low-waged workers, which increases the demand for low cost shelter readily accessible to the downtown. It makes the homeless in downtown even harder to rent a place to live. Downtown development also diminishes the supply of low-income housing for poor people. As the City raises more new office towers, the vacancy for housing is getting less. In Seattle, for instance, office space in downtown grew from 13 million square feet in 1981 to about 24 million square feet in 1990. On the other hand, the downtown low-income housing stock declined from about 11,000 units in 1980 to less than 6,000 units in 1987. With the passage of new housing levies, cities will try to regain some low income units, but today s low-income units vanish faster than they can be built and there is still a shortage in housing supply in downtown areas. Besides, the qualities of temporary shelters for homeless people are terrible that they think staying on streets is a better choice. Not only have the lost bed-spaces not been made up, but the new hostels are not as readily accessible to the homeless coming directly off the street. They tend to cater to special-needs groups and access tends to be through referral. Planners can play an important role in the search for solutions to homelessness. And homelessness is an extensive, complex process. Different kinds of intervention are needed to deal with the problem. But the most widely accepted approach is a three-tier system, beginning with emergency shelters and moving through transitional accommodations to long-term housing. Rehabilitation of old buildings by minimal funding are common projects to provide shelters for the homeless people. However, some observers suggests that making the renovation of buildings for low-income housing profitable, for developers or investors, can be the solution to the homeless problem. Our examination makes it clear that piecemeal intervention can alleviate emergency shelter crises, but such action will not resolve the long-term problem of finding permanent shelter for the homeless and returning them to the mainstream of society wherever possible, which we regard as the ultimate goal of intervention. Equally obvious is that while long-term intervention strategies are vital, they do not address the problems of survival for those presently without shelter and support. We conclude that both long-term and short-term measures are necessary, but that all the solutions should be based on integrated, comprehensive understanding of the homelessness problem. Only such a comprehensive approach will allow planners to develop workable strategies with any chance for success.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Enhancing Education for International Students Essay

The impediments in facilitating learning in the realm of international students have been an issue among teachers and educational institutions. Through this dilemma, different studies in such literature have been proliferated to create avenues for changes and developments in such area. In the end, by properly incorporating these changes, appropriate measures and practices can be made so as to make education and learning worthwhile for international students. The paper seeks to showcase several important studies and articles that seek to address the challenges posed by facilitating education among international students. By doing this, better enforcement of education by institutions and teachers can be possible. Such compilation can be an important catalyst in addressing the needed changes by the academic institutions. Though this may seem an elaboration of important developments in the realm of education, this may sound to be general in nature compared to the variety and complex problems experienced by students. That is why the paper seeks to further limit the scope into reading and writing solutions adequate for international students. Addressing the overall problem Determining the dilemmas and hurdles faced by international students, one must be keen to understand that the difference in practices & culture and the language barrier remains to be the main catalyst for such experience. Lee in her article critically outlines the impediments and barrier of learning and development of international students. Seeing this, the article reflected important factors that led to such problems. â€Å"They recognized the need to adjust to the American-type classrooms, which includes, among other things, more interaction between professors and students, smaller classes, more explicit writing style, idiomatic language in spoken and written English, and a less formal classrooms. † (Lee, 1997, p. 94) Seeing this, Lee proposes several important solutions that administrators and teachers can implement in a classroom inhabited by international students. These actions are primarily focused on the process on which education is facilitated – oral, written and language skills. One important component in addressing the problem is by enhancing the listening capability of students. An important component in these suggestive methods is by both making the instructor and international student adapt at the same time in the classroom. â€Å"The tendency of American professors to modify textbooks and use outside sources to develop a unique class design creates obstacles for students who have listening difficulties. † (Lee, 1997, p. 94) Another important component indicated by Lee is the realization that there are cultural differences among students in the classroom. Local students may find and understand the topics if it talks about American culture, however this may not be the case for international students. â€Å"Students who are unfamiliar with examples may not understand the concept and so have additional information to decipher. † (Lee, 1997, p. 95) Instructors and teachers must prevent the occurrence of culture shock. By doing these, international students may feel at ease and can create further improvement in the acquisition of information and knowledge Internationalising Education Though a curriculum an educational institution may seem to provide, there must be an effort to continue to adjust it according to international standards. The study of Arkoudis showcases several important ways international students’ education in the classroom can be facilitated. One important facet is the creation of standardized teaching and learning. By doing this, an institution can both help facilitate education and learning not only for international students but also to locals as well. â€Å"There are also benefits for domestic students, as they engage with culturally and linguistically diverse students who offer multi-cultural perspectives on local and global issues. † (Arkoudis, 2006, p. 8) Another important point given by Arkoudis is the realization that a standardized curriculum must be developed so as to look into the welfare of international students. By focusing on how the content of a particular institution is given, proper facilitation of each discipline is achieved. â€Å"For some disciplines it seems that academics already consider the content as international, usually because the discipline is practiced in the same way across different countries. † (Arkoudis, 2006, p. 7) Also, there is another important component in the facilitation of education. This involves the creation of access to lectures particularly among students so as to give them the opportunity to further review materials in the classroom. By facilitating this, international students can cope with the challenges inside the classroom. â€Å"There are strategies that can be used in the design and delivery of the lecture that can assist in making the conventional lecture more accessible for international students† (Arkoudis, 2006, p. 9) Group participation has also been an important facet of American education for it gives opportunities for students to actively take part in the lesson given in a group setting. Arkoudis however argues that this may pose a hindrance for learning particularly among international students. These are due to several language barriers and their relative hesitation either caused by difficulty adjusting or shyness. â€Å"Contributing to discussions can be seen as a risky undertaking if the students are not comfortable with their English language ability or are unfamiliar with the cultural conventions for ‘breaking into’ the conversation. † (Arkoudis, 2006, p. 11) Seeing this, the teacher must actively create important measures and schemes that will improve the capability of international students to interact during group discussions.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Systematic Review on Is the Effect of Physical Activity on Cognitive Research Paper

Systematic Review on Is the Effect of Physical Activity on Cognitive Function a Risk Factor for alzheimer's in Older Adults - Research Paper Example The risk of suffering from Alzheimer disease is evidently higher among adults suffering from Mild Cognitive Impairment with lack of frequent physical exercise. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the published literature from peer articles on Alzheimer disease in Older Adults. Precisely, the paper will explore the question: Is the Effect of Physical Activity on Cognitive Function a Risk Factor for Alzheimer in Adults? The risk factor is anything that affects possibility of a person in getting an illness, in this case Alzheimer in Adults. However, being exposed to a risk factor does not necessarily mean that a person will be affected by a specific disease. A risk factor in this case alludes to the probability of one getting harmed due to the level of exposure. It can also allude to the likelihood that an individual is harmed due to the level of exposure to a hazardous condition. Physical activity has been cited by many health researchers as one way of keeping one healthy; some research in regard to mental functioning have also asserted that the proper functioning of various aspects of the brain can be facilitated with performing ph ysical exercises. With regard to Alzheimer in Adults, various results from researchers have indicated that physical activity on cognitive function a risk Factor for Alzheimer in Adults. Relevant peer articles have been used in support of these results. In order to conduct this research a variety of eight peer reviewed journals addressing issues ascribed to the relationship between physical activities, cognitive functioning and Alzheimer disease were explored. They basically provide information regarding the specific research question addressed herein. The content of these articles include past researches that have been undertaken to determine of lack of physical exercise could be a cognitive risk factor to Alzheimer. Important information was extracted from the article in order to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Climate, geography, income per capita and growth Literature review

Climate, geography, income per capita and growth - Literature review Example Geography and environment has a closer impact on socio-economic development of a region. Historical data has revealed that geography has some effect on shaping the economic history. However, the amount of variance is an important consideration. Tropics are varied by braod climatic zones and economies as well (Torres & Mendez, 2000; 2002, Inter-American Development Bank, 2000). As a result, the research would identify the key geographical and climatic factors from the national database and analyze its relationship with income per person longitudinal data for a time period of 1950 to 2014. This paper will analyze this variance to test and interpret the condition of multicollinearity using a regression analysis, as some geographical factors might be highly correlated impacting the ultimate results. Analyzing the relationship between the major geographical features, such as altitude, climate, topography on the economic growth and prosperity with individual municipal incomes and their inequalities. Previous research has established a close relationship between economic development and geographical characteristics, such as topography, altitude, precipitation, temperature and rainfall etc., of a region. In this pretext, the tropical economies have lower income levels and growth rates than rest of the world. Temperate regions are more prosperous in this respect. The impact of geography on economic performance was considered exogenous for a very long time by economists (Rodrik & Trebbi, 2004). In fact there are direct channels influencing the effect of geography on productivity (Fujita, Krugman & Venables, 1999; Gallup, Sachs & Mellinger, 1999), in terms of productivity of primary activities, such as agriculture, farming, mining, fishing and forestry (Safford & Palacios, 2002). The classical Malthusian theory has stressed on how extremes of climate and temperature might diminish the productivity of labor as a consequence of spillovers and positive

Saturday, July 27, 2019

MDCM part B Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MDCM part B - Case Study Example aper will discuss the recommended IT projects and compare the most suitable projects through using Portfolio Application Model Matrix which will be beneficial for MDCM. MDCM had confronted with several problems regarding IT and thus the company had prepared a list of IT projects which will be appropriate for improving the business performance. The objective of those IT projects is to increase value of the business and develop smooth information flow throughout the organization and lack of information was one of the major problems of MDCM. The following projects will be appropriate for MDCM in order to improve the profitability of business: It has been observed that different standards in information systems have resulted in increased contradiction and at times the projects intersect with each other. The lack of synchronization among different standards cause imperfect outcomes which in turn lead to inappropriate forecasts, scheduling problems and overfilled inventories among others. Thus, there was need to reduce the numerous different standards throughout the company. The Unify Methodology and Technical Standards aim for minimizing the projects cycles and inspire knowledge distribution within IT development groups. This initiative is vital for developing the ability of information technology systems in MDCM (Jeffery, M. & Norton, J. H., â€Å"Strategic IT Portfolio Management). Consolidation of data center and networks is made in order to reduce the expenses. In today’s business environment, meeting up to the competition and complying with the regulatory measures are the driving forces for organizations such as MDCM to shift company’s network to virtual private network (VPN). MDCM along with the subsidiary companies had almost 37 data centers and 19 distracted networks globally. Data consolidation will help MDCM to expand the business swiftness and also would align strategic IT structure with business requirements. It will be more reliable for MDCM to develop

Friday, July 26, 2019

Real Sex and Pornography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Real Sex and Pornography - Essay Example The decision of being social or anti-social as to the choice of sexually explicit materials is being guided by their lifetime experience as to what is acceptable and what is not. There were studies supporting the fact that viewing pornography and practicing internet sex has become addictive to majority of the population. Kimberly S. Young (2008) of The Center for Internet Addiction Recovery said that "Internet sex addiction typically involves viewing, downloading, and trading online pornography or engagement in adult fantasy role-play rooms". According to the author, adult web sites have become now the biggest segment of electronic commerce offering wide choices of sexual interests. Due to the readily available sexually explicit material online, internet sex addiction has become a major problem among users. Internet sex addiction is now being considered as a form of infidelity and has caused numerous family break-ups and marital problems (Millner, 2008). There were reported instances that an internet sex addicted husband prefer cybersex over real sex with their wives (Craine 2008). This paper aims to support the position that internet sex addiction should be avoided and the practice should be done devoid of emotional attachment. Causes of Internet Sex Addiction Young (2008) reported that Internet sex addiction start with discovery that sex sites do exist. 2 The author reported that normally, the new user discover the existence of such sites by accident. Due to the overwhelming number of internet sex sites, there will always be a chance that a surfer will discover its existence. Young reported that according to Internet Filter Review of Pornography Industry Statistics, There were about 4.2 million pornographic websites in existence today; the size of the industry is $57 billion worldwide and $12 billion of that is in the US. The daily hits on these websites total 372 million with additional 68 million pornographic search engine requests (Caroll et al, 2008). This represents about 25% of total search engine requests (Ropelato, 2006). For the first time user, surfing the internet with a press of a button is so exciting, much so if one accidentally press a button and enter a cybersex chat room. With complete unanimity through username and handle, one can rewind after a hard work or simply relieve stress and personal problems.The next phase according to Young is experimentation. Due to the fact that one can access the internet at the privacy of one's own room or office plus the convenience of being anonymous and without the danger of being recognized or the truth be divulged, one can effectively pose according to ones fantasy (Barak & Fisher, 2005). In short, all the inhibitions and shame that an action may result in real life can all be prevented under the internet scenario. It was for this reason that according to Young (2001), more than 60% of on line users developed sex addiction exclusively on the internet. The third stage of addiction development according to You

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A comparison of effects of categorized and uncategorized words on Essay

A comparison of effects of categorized and uncategorized words on memory - Essay Example This model is best illustrated by a computer system where information is received and processed variably by the brain before it is stored into memory.Atkinson and Shiffrin's "multi-store model of memory" theory posits that there are three distinct memory stores - sensory, short term, and long term. The amount of attention paid and "rehearsal" of information affects likelihood of this information passing first into short term and then into long-term memory.Sensory memory has a very limited duration of about a second for visual store and two seconds for the acoustic store. Short term memory also has a limited storage capacity and a very short duration and can be lost through decay or displacement as new information is added to the store. Organizing information in short term memory through "chunking" enables it to pass into long term memory. These chunks can be acronyms, words, phrases, or anything else that links the information together into a meaningful structure. By chunking informa tion, a much greater quantity can be stored. Memory can decay over time, or there can be problems of retrieval, where the memory is there but cannot be recalled. Information in long term memory is more likely to be in the form of semantics, organized by general meaning rather than in greater detail. In a study by Tulving and Pearlstone (1966), participants' recall of word lists of 12, 24, and 48 words in categories of 1, 2, or 4 words was tested. The answer sheets were used with and without category headings to measure the effects of categorization on recall. Participants showed a significant increase in words recalled when the category headings were present on the answer sheet. This study shows that organizing information in memory increases the amount of recall. Objective of the Study Generally, the study's aim was to approximate studies [such as that of Tulving and Pearlstone (1966)] to determine whether word categorization could increase the number of words recalled from a prepared word list. In more specific point of view, the study is aimed at: 1. Identifying the factors that could help people recall more numbers of words 2. Assess which among the given factors (as stated in the first specific objective) is better be applied to specific age range of the people 3. Evaluate if there could be a difference to the number of words recall if the subjects are of different gender, social status and level of education earned. Hypotheses The null hypothesis supposes that any variation in the number of words recalled between the categorised and uncategorised word lists will be due to chance factors. The alternative hypothesis assumes that there will be a significant difference in the number of words recalled between the categorised and uncategorised word lists such that the number of words recalled from the former will be higher. Methodology Research Design The experimental method was used to try and establish a causal relationship.A repeated measures design was utilized to limit the number of participants required and to reduce participant variables. To minimize order effects, counterbalancing was used, with half the participants hearing the uncategorized list first and the remaining half hearing the categorized list followed by the uncategorized list. Participants The study was participated in by close

What Do Programmers Do Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

What Do Programmers Do - Research Paper Example These devices came through the hands of experienced programmers. Much worse case is that they fail to recognize the difficulty and significance of the job. To gain better comprehension of what programmers exactly do or clarifications of misconceptions will assist people into achieving a sense of deeper appreciation for both the professionals and their craft. A professional even once said that what people commonly think that programmers delve into a field that is encompassed by pure science is inaccurate. Programmers actually are more like artists in their profession (Dollery 1). Additionally, it can be described as an interesting and stable choice of profession nowadays with the continuous advancement of the computer age (â€Å"Information Technology Jobs in America: Corporate & Government Career Guide† 29). There are numerous approaches one can take to become a professional programmer aside from attaining a degree in computer science or software engineering. There are unconve ntional ways where one programs accidentally or one has an interest in programming therefore adopts it as a past time (George 1). Comparing computers in the past and present, it is obvious at how it has remarkably evolved and continuously pushing its limits, if there are any. Through this, one can also expect that the field of programmers and the nature of their profession have also and will continue to metamorphose throughout the future (Morley 718). The Programmers’ Job To avoid any obscurity about the description of a programmer’s job, it can easily be broken down into three steps—writing the program, testing the program and debugging it if errors are found then testing again until the correct function has been achieved. In some ways, programmers identify their expertise similar to those of writers only much rigid (Seibel 299). What really make the jobs of programmers enigmatic are the various, distinctive languages they utilize for the development of program s. In fact, programmers are burdened with understanding numerous languages if not all during their course of education to assure their adequacy in a task (Morley 572). It is an imperative that people who delve into this profession know a handful of programming languages. For instance, in America, they demand experience in C++, Java, JavaScript, VisualBasic, Cobol or Fortran which are popular programming languages (â€Å"Information Technology Jobs in America: Corporate & Government Career Guide† 116). Furthermore, a computer programmer is equipped with many essential skills. To be the best in their craft, these professionals are expected to have acquired a basic skill in debugging where the planned operation goes otherwise and they have to be able to find it, figure it out and correct the problem (Read 5). This might be simple enough but it requires cleverness and artistry. Though there are tools available for the professionals, a specialized knowledge must be accomplished be fore once can debug with ease. Some expert programmers even say that to be where they are, it took a lot of hands-on experience (Seibel 4). Finally, programmers, as with all professionals, are assigned with the task of unit testing which assures that all their developed programs are efficiently working. In this final stage of production, there is quite a demand not only in skill but also a good working relationship (Helgeson 240). It is said that in our age even our advancements require continuous

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Compare and Contrast Paulo Feire - William Brickman in APA style Essay

Compare and Contrast Paulo Feire - William Brickman in APA style - Essay Example In other words, he sought to answer the question of how the oppressed in society continues to remain so? If the purpose of education is to enlighten, and in consequence, liberate the individual, then why are human relationships ripe with domination of one party over the other? It is a fair question and the answer lies in the way content, structure and access to education are designed by the dominant class. In this case, Freire’s basic thrust is said to be political economy of education. (Flanagan, 2005, p.22) For this reason his theories were attacked by mainstream institutions whose vested interests it sought to undermine. On the other hand, the emphasis of Brickman’s work was on how culture plays an important role in education. This is especially true with language learning, where social customs and intellectual traditions determine how the language is used. (Silova & Brehm, 2010, p.11) Although the areas of inquiry are divergent between the two educators, they share a common feature. For example, their works are a product of their childhood and personal experiences. This is not to say that their approach is not systematic or that their inferences are biased. What it shows is that they bring valuable insight from their formative years to their research. In the case of Freire, his father’s sudden loss of wealth due to a financial market crash plunged him into poverty. This immediately affected the quality and content of education that he had no choice but to undertake. (Flanagan, 2005, p.22) In the case of Brickman, the fact of growing up in a multi-cultural environment helped shape the direction of his professional work. As a young man he assimilated different cultures through direct involvement in their milieu. For this reason, Brickman believed that the best method to understand various education systems and methods is to experience them first hand. Of course,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Compare and Contrast Army Ground Fleet Maintenance with Civilian Research Paper

Compare and Contrast Army Ground Fleet Maintenance with Civilian Ground Fleet Maintenance - Research Paper Example Civilian institutions conduct business with the aim of profit making while US Army is a non-profit generating government function. This causes both similarities and differences in terms of activities performed in their respective fleet management systems. Below is a comparison and contrast between the two institutions. There is a couple of differences between the U.S. Army Ground Fleet Maintenance activities and the Civilian Ground Fleet Maintenance activities of organizations such as Coca Cola, Pepsi, etc. Some of these differences stem from a legal perspective while others stem from operation activities undertaken in the military bases. Some of the notable differences include; the military outsources its fleet management function to the industry including even tactical vehicles used by the military. For instance, the military in made a decision to outsource its fleet of M109 vehicles family (Paladin) that encompasses the M109 self-propelled howitzer & the M992 field vehicles supplying artillery ammunition under the fleet management program (NDIA Staff, 1999). Further, under the same program, the manager is responsible all resources of technical nature ranging from field maintenance to training hence making him responsible for the entire spare parts modernization, while soldiers control the daily maintenance activities. On the other hand, in the Civilian Ground Fleet Maintenance activities, outsourcing of the fleet management program is restricted to the organizations’ departments mandated to control and manage the company fleets, especially the transport department. For instance, unlike in the military where the function of outsourcing of maintenance services is a policy, in Civilian organization outsourcing of the maintenance activities is done in-house by the organizations workers e.g. in the case of Coca-Cola. Therefore, unlike in the military, Ground Fleet Maintenance activities are accomplished

Monday, July 22, 2019

Extracurricular activity Essay Example for Free

Extracurricular activity Essay You may not know a lot of people when you start high school. Maybe your friends from middle school are going to a different high school. Even if you know other freshmen, you might feel nervous that you dont know any upperclassmen. How are you going to make friends among this sea of unknown faces? Most high schools hold a freshman orientation before school actually starts. These are helpful not only because you learn your way around the building and get to meet some of your teachers, but you also get to meet fellow freshmen. That way, when you show up on your first day of school, you may already recognize a few familiar faces. When you talk to people at orientation, youll probably find that a lot of them are feeling just like you are. Theyre all new to the school and dont know what to expect. Talking about a common concern with your classmates can spark new friendships. Learning Inside the Classroom How about the workload in high school — is it a lot harder? Again, this is something your classmates are probably worried about, too. The work in high school builds on what you learned in middle school, giving you a more advanced knowledge of many academic subjects. So you may find you have more work to do or that its a bit more challenging. But these challenges can make you feel less bored with the usual routine — it feels great when youve mastered something really tough. Maybe youll find a new appreciation for biology or discover a passion for literature. If you ever find your work too overwhelming, teachers and tutors are available for extra help. While you have more independence as a high school student than you might have had in middle school, there are still many resources to fall back on if you feel the work is too much. Extracurricular Activities High school also has more extracurriculars than middle school did, such as clubs, music and theater groups, student government, and sports teams. This is a fantastic time to explore your interests and try new things. Who said school has to be all work and no play? These activities may take place before or after school, or during free periods or study halls. Because of this, it helps to sharpen your time management skills in your first year. Extracurricular activities are great, but remember to leave free time for yourself. Everybody needs some downtime.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Comparisons Culture Between Ghana And Colombia Cultural Studies Essay

Comparisons Culture Between Ghana And Colombia Cultural Studies Essay Cultural festival is a important thing. Its needed for all of us. All peoples needed to know about cultural festival. So I take Colombia and Ghana 2 countries for my assignment. Make assignment Different cultural groups think, feel, and act differently. There is no scientific standard for considering one group as intrinsically superior or inferior to another. Studying differences in culture among groups and societies presupposes a position of cultural relativism. It does not imply normalcy for oneself, and for ones society. It, however, calls for judgment when dealing with groups or societies different from ones own. Information about the nature of cultural differences between societies, their roots, and their consequences should precede judgment and action. Cultural relativism is the view that all beliefs, customs, and ethics are relative to the individual within his own social context. In other words, right and wrong are culture-specific; what is considered moral in one society may be considered immoral in another, and, since no universal standard of morality exists, no one has the right to judge another societys customs. Cultural relativism is widely accepted in modern anthropology. Cultural relativists believe that all cultures are worthy in their own right and are of equal value. Diversity of cultures, even those with conflicting moral beliefs, is not to be considered in terms of Right and wrong or good and bad. Comparisons Culture between Ghana and Colombia: Ghana and Colombia both are highly established country by culture. Both of these countries have their own culture based on their location, language, religion, climate, food etc. Ghanas culture: Main article: History of Ghana There is archaeological evidence which shows that humans have lived in what is present day Ghana from about 1500 BC.[11] Nonetheless, there is no proof that those early dwellers are related to the current inhabitants of the area. Oral tradition has it that many of Ghanas current ethnic groups such as the multi-ethnic Akan, the Ga and the Ewe arrived around the 13th Century. Figure: 1 Ashanti yam ceremony, 19th century by Thomas E. Bowdich Facts and Statistics: AKWAABA! (Welcome) greets visitors as they arrive at the airport in the capital city of Accra. In 1957, Ghana (formed from the merger of the Gold Coast and the Togoland trust territory) became the first sub-Saharan country in colonial Africa to gain its independence. Today it is one of the most thriving democracies on the African continent. Currently the countrys economy is dominated by agriculture, which employs about 40 percent of the working population. Location: Ghana shares boundaries with Togo to the east, Cote dIvoire to the west, Burkina Faso to the north and the Gulf of Guinea, to the south; only a few degrees north of the Equator. Area: total: 238,533 sq km Land: 227,533 sq km Water: 11,000 sq km Area Comparative: Slightly smaller than Oregon Current Weather: Tropical: warm and comparatively dry along southeast coast; hot and humid in southwest; hot and dry in north Figure2:Ghanasmap Population: Total 18,412,247 Religions: Ghana is a Muslim country. The Ghanas language: Different sources give different figures for the number of languages of Ghana. This is because of different classifications of varieties as either languages or dialects. Ethnologue lists a total of 79 languages. Ghanas 3 Society Culture The Ghanas Family: At the center of Ghanaian society is the institution of family. Sustained through a series of kinship networks and marriages, the family is acknowledged as the bedrock of all social life. The family is not only the basis of Ghanaian social organizations, but is also the main source of social security in old age (emotionally and financially) and the primary or sole caretaker for the young. Ghanas Pride: Russians are proud of their country. Patriotic songs and poems extol the virtues of their homeland. They accept that their lives are difficult and pride themselves on being able to flourish in conditions that others could not. They take great pride in their cultural heritage and expect the rest of the world to admire it. Communal Mentality: This is a remarkable piece of writing. Leadership compassionate, caring, and responsible leadership is threatened in Ghana. I am particularly interested in the issue of chiefs and the sale of communal land to foreigners and non-aliens alike. Why should a farmer lose their ancestral land to a rich property developer who has paid millions of cedis to a chief or his representative? These days it is common proactive for chiefs and their Town Planning and Lands Commission cohorts to zone productive agricultural or greenbelt land without any consultation with occupants of the land. Figure3: Ghanas dreams house Despite the presence of Islam and Christianity, traditional religions in Ghana have retained their influence because of their intimate relation to family loyalties and local mores. Figure4: Ghanas tradition Colombia Culture: Many aspects of Colombian culture can be traced back to the early culture of Spain of the 16th century and its collision with Colombias native civilizations (see: Muisca, Tayrona). The Spanish brought Catholicism, African slaves, the feudal encomienda system, and a caste system that favored European-born whites. After independence from Spain, the criollos struggled to establish a pluralistic political system between conservative and liberal ideals. Figure4: Bullfight-Bogotà ¡ Facts and Statistics: Location: Northern South America, bordering the Caribbean Sea, between Panama and Venezuela, and bordering the North Pacific Ocean, between Ecuador and Panama Geographic coordinates: 4 00 N, 72 00 W Map references: South America Area: total: 1,138,910 sq km land: 1,038,700 sq km water: 100,210 sq km note: includes Isla de Malpelo, Roncador Cay, Serrana Bank, and Serranilla Bank Capital: Bogota Population: 42,954,279 (July 2005 est.) Ethnic Groups: mestizo 58%, white 20%, mulatto 14%, black 4%, mixed black-Amerindian 3%, Amerindian 1% Religion: Roman Catholic 90%, other 10% Figure5: Colombia Map Climate: tropical along coast and eastern plains; cooler in highlands Terrain: flat coastal lowlands, central highlands, high Andes Mountains, eastern lowland plains. Languages in Colombia: The official language of Colombia is Spanish and spoken by around 43 million people. In addition there are approximately 500,000 speakers of American Indian languages. Colombian Society Culture: Catholicism: Most Colombians would consider themselves to be Roman Catholics. The Church has historically been a very important influence over personal affairs such as marriage and family life. The parish church is often seen as the centre of a community, with the local priest representing divine authority and leadership. The Role of the Family: The family takes centre stage in the social structure. It acts as a source of support and advice and therefore great loyalty is shown to families. Although extended families rarely live under one roof, apart from in rural areas, many are still live very close and frequent one anothers houses often. Figure6: Colombia culture Hierarchies: Colombia can be termed a hierarchical society. People earn respect due to age and position. Older people are naturally perceived as being wise and as a result are afforded great respect. Colombian Clothing: Covers a variety of clothes that are commonly worn by the people who live in the country of Colombia in the continent of South America. The climate of Colombia is tropical in the coastal regions and the eastern plains and it is quite cold in the highlands. Therefore, the clothes of Colombia have to cater to a variety of weather conditions. Figure7: Colombian clothing Comparison of Culture: These two countries has their own and individual culture. Both of this culture is far different from one to another. They have different location, different language, different climate, different food, different religion and different cloth. These countries have different government system. Different religion makes them different by cloth from one to another. Most of the people of Ghana are Muslim by religion and they use to put on Islamic dresses. On the other hand, in Colombian total people is Roman Catholic but majority of people follows Ghana Orthodox as their religion. This religion comes from there tradition. So that, they use to puts on traditional dresses. Conclution: Every nation has their culture. This culture is unique and individual from others. Russia and Morocco also has their individual and highly established culture. Both of these cultures are far different from one to another. They have their own language, religion, belief, respect, climate, location, food, cloth etc which differ them from one to another.

Religion In Life Of Pi Theology Religion Essay

Religion In Life Of Pi Theology Religion Essay If you stumble about believability, what are you living for. Love is hard to believe, ask any lover. Life is hard to believe, ask any scientist. God is hard to believe, ask any believer. What is your problem with hard to believe. Life of Pi is a tale about survival, belief in God and coming of age that unfolds while the protagonist is floating in a lifeboat on the Pacific Ocean. Belief in God is clearly a major theme in this novel, and has been the most controversial in reviews of the book. Throughout the novel, Pi makes his belief in and love of God clear. This exhilarating story begins with an old man in Pondicherry who tells the narrator, I have a story that will make you believe in God. The protagonist explores the different issues of religion and spirituality from an early age and survives even 227 days shipwrecked in the ocean. Storytelling and religious beliefs are two closely linked ideas in the novel. On a literal level, each of Pis three religions, Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam, come with its own set of tales and fables, which are used to spread the teachings and illustrate the beliefs of the faith. This book defends not only the common spirit behind these three religions, but the rituals and ce remonies of each. Its as if all three religions find harmonious common ground in this character. Seems unlikely, but then again, the protagonist argues passionately that the miraculous happens in our darkest moments. These three religions are really all the same except for small differences in the practice of their faith. Hindus have a great capacity for love; Muslims see God in everything; and Christians are quite devout. In this case, Pi enjoys the wealth of stories, but he also senses that, as Father Martin assured him was true of Christianity, each of these stories might simply be aspects of a greater, universal story about love. Pi remains unattached to any one interpretation of God. Sure, he believes each religion but he doesnt guard their specific tenets jealously. Pi shares a rich parable: Each time the milkmaids try to possess Krishna he vanishes. Likewise, each time a religious faith tries to claim sole ownership of God, true religion vanishes. This story reveals a few of the workings of Pis complex religious beliefs. You may have wondered how anyone could ever hold Hindu, Christian, and Muslim beliefs all at once. Pis answer: without a trace of jealousy. Stories and religious beliefs are also linked in Life of Pi because Pi asserts that both require faith on the part of the listener or devotee. Surprisingly for such a religious boy, Pi admires atheists. To him, the important thing is to believe in something, and Pi can appreciate an atheists ability to believe in the absence of God with no concrete proof of that absence. Pi has nothing but disdain, however, for agnostics, who claim that it is impossible to know either way, and, who therefore refrain from making a definitive statement on the question of God. So Pi sees that this as an evidence of a shameful lack of imagination. To him, agnostics who cannot make a leap of faith in either direction are like listeners who cannot appreciate the non-literal truth a fictional story might provide. Regarding with the plot of this novel, we begin with a little boy, Pi Patel, who is the main character of Yann Martels novel Life of Pi. Hes the son of a zookeeper who runs a small zoo in India. Despite all his familys ideas of modern secularism, Pi is drawn to religion. In his adolescence he adopts not only the beliefs of Hinduism, but Catholicism and Islam as well. Each religion gives Pi something that he felt was missing in his spiritual life so, because of this, he never feels compelled to choose one belief system over the other. Religion will save us, I said. Since when I could remember, religions had always been close to my heart. So, in this case and because of his family, he was first introduced to Hinduism and describes it as the religion of his birth and a deep part of himself. For him, Hinduism is not a religion to be left behind when he discovers another, but rather the intrinsic framework of his own spirituality. Then, when he finds out Catholicism, he studies it through curiosity for what it entails, not because of any dissatisfaction with his current understanding of Hinduism, largely for his own pleasure. The same is true at the time that he later adds the religion of Islam to his quilt of religious beliefs. While the young boy is comfortable with his firm and serious belief in three seemingly disparate religions, the leaders of these religions are obviously not so happy when they learn of his expanded view of religion. As chance would have it, Pis priest, pandit and imam all happen upon Pi and his parents at the same time. This ensuing conversation captures current religious discord as all of the religious leaders agree that Pi cannot be Hindu, Catholic, and Muslim at the same time and despite their prodding, Pi insists that he simply wants to love and adore God. He says: I just want to love God (Martel 69) and will not choose between religions. Then, during his adolescence, he also discovers atheism through his biology teacher, Mr. Kumar. Though Pi greatly respects Mr. Kumar, and calls him his favourite teacher, Pi isnt comfortable exploring all the ideas of atheism or seeing how science holds its own beauty without need for a deity. He decides that atheists are his brothers and sisters of a different faith, but it is not a belief that he understands or chooses to explore. In fact, the concept of atheism frightens him so much. Pi, who asks many questions when he is presented with other religions, is very silent when Mr. Kumar always offers some of his atheistic views: Religion? Mr. Kumar grinned broadly. I dont believe in religion. Religion is darkness. Pi answers: Darkness? I was puzzled. I thought, Darkness is the last thing that religion is. Religion is light. Was he testing me? Was he saying, Religion is darkness, the way he sometimes said in class things like Mammals lay eggs, to see if someone would correct him? (Only platypuses, sir.)(1.7.9 11) and finally explains: It wasnt for fear of angering Mr. Kumar. I was more afraid that in a few words thrown out he might destroy something that I loved. Pis education includes both science and religion; he comes to love both these disciplines but agnosticism the suspension of belief (e.g., I dont have enough evidence to believe in God so I wont commit one way or the other.) drives the boy bonkers. For Pi, belief is one of the most beautiful actions of human life. To live otherwise is to live statically. One can either choose a rich, dynamic life or a static, uncommitted life. Yet, this religious discussion takes place well before Pi is set adrift in a lifeboat filled with wild zoo animals. Here it is the groundwork that shapes the rest of the story, a wonderful and incredible story that is only and exclusively meant to make listeners believe in god. Part two of the book begins the tale of Pis shipwreck and subsequent survival. When Pi is 16, his family decides to sell the zoo and immigrate to Canada to escape the increasingly undesirable political developments in 1970s India. They will get a better price for many of their animals in America, so the family and several of the animals of the zoo begin their journey on a Japanese cargo ship named Tsimtsum. Midway to Midway the ship suddenly and quickly sinks for unknown reasons. When this unfortunate event takes place, Pi finds himself in a lifeboat with a hyena, an orangutan, a wounded zebra, and an adult Bengal tiger. There are no other human survivors, and it is not long before the animals do away with each other-the hyena dispatches the zebra and the orangutan and the tiger dispatch the hyena-, leaving Pi and the tiger alone in the lifeboat. In the same way, we can clearly assert that Pi Patel wins lots of different challenges covering from his psychic and spiritual learning to his basic and essential instinct and survival throughout his horrific and very hard adventures at sea. The most relevant fact is that his unbelievable believing in God, helps him to survive multiple obstacles that he faces on the lifeboat. His study about all three religions, serves as a great defensive safeguard from the difficult harsh situations of life. It is a very long journey filled with too much danger, loneliness and doubt, but most of all an exploration of faith. This astonishing character maintains all his religious beliefs while on the life boat through his daily ritual prayers, which helps to sustain him. Hes faced with physical difficulty almost all time, ranging from salt-water boils, to the threat of death by a tiger, to cold, to starvation, to dehydration, to dementia and many other difficulties. He continues to pray regularly, an d must plead to God in order to survive his ordeal. He remembers the misery he felt after such a long time away from God, saying: It was natural that, bereft and desperate as I was, in the throes of unremitting suffering, I should turn to God (Martel 315). With Pi keeping his ritual prayers going, that helped him to survive. Also, he was able to maintain somewhat the religious lifestyle that he had prior to the sinking of the Tsimtsum. He also makes many religious relationships throughout his journey and lots of comparisons between Orange Juice and the Virgin Mary. She came floating on an island of bananas in a halo of light, as lovely as the Virgin Mary (Martel 111). Truly, Pis religious faith remained strong throughout his journey on the Pacific Ocean. Straightway, when Pi eventually washes up on the shores of Mexico, and the tiger dashes off into the jungle never to be seen again, he is nursed back to health by locals. While Pi is recovering, two men from the company that owned the Japanese cargo ship come to visit him. They are very anxious because they are looking for answers about what might have caused the ship to sink so then he tells them the fantastic and amazing tale that he experienced and was presented through the book. Obviously, the men do not believe him so they became very upset and tell Pi that they want to know what really happened. They only want to know a rational truth. After some discussion, Pi agrees to tell them another story, another one that does not involve animals or any marvellous fact. His second boring story involves a handful of human survivors, including one who kills the others, even including Pis mother. He affirms that at the end of the story he kills the killer and is left as the only survivor. N either story sheds any light on why the ship might have sunk. Before the men leave, Pi asks him about which of the two stories is the best, since neither provides factual information that they can use. The men who appears at the beginning, who was listening the whole story, agree that the story with the animals was a better story. This is the point of the book. It is the reason why readers are supposed to now believe in god. When it comes down to a choice between realism and fantasy, or science and religion, which story is the best? Religious minded readers may find comfort in the notion that it is better to believe in an uplifting story over more believable, but less entertaining facts. However, this argument is unlikely to be persuasive to atheists or encourage them to believe in God.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

People’s Republic of China Country Analysis Essay -- mao zedong, china,

Located in Southeast Asia along the coast of the Pacific Ocean, China is one of the oldest countries in the world, comprising of a culture that has continuously shaped itself over the past 4,000 years to form what is known today as, the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Known as the father of the PRC, Mao Zedong formed the PRC on 1Oth October 1949, ending a long process of governmental upheaval that began with the Chinese Revolution of 1911. Currently, China is one of the worlds few socialist states openly endorsing communism, ruled by the Communist Party of China (CPC), and endorses substantial constraints on its people, such as restrictions on access to the internet, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, formation of social organizations, freedom of religion, and even the right to have children . Though, the principles of China greatly differ from those of the United States of America, the U.S. seeks to build a partnership with China, based on mutual benefit and resp ect. China has held a seat at the UN since 1971, and is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, allowing it to work with the international community to address threats to global security. China is one of the world’s top exporters, and has a fast growing major economy, with growth rates rising at an average of 10% over the past decade . In February of 2011, China became the world’s second largest economy, overtaking the country of Japan, which held the title for the past 40 years . China’s rapid and unprecedented economic growth is a boon to the country; however, it may prove unsustainable and become a detriment to the overall well being of the nation. One of the principal problems incurred by China’s hurried economic growth is a dangerous incre... ...losing credibility amongst members of the international community. Another major event in China transpired in March 2013 when the governmental leadership changed, both a new Premier Li Keqiang, and a new President Xi Jinping were appointed. Neither man is a stranger to China’s political atmosphere, having held significant power and influence within the government from other political positions in the past. One of the biggest expected changes brought on by their rise to power, is China’s continued role in the International Community. The new administration hold’s the belief that China’s swift rise to an economic superpower represents a shift in global power from ‘West’ to ‘East’. The U.S. entered into a recession in lasting from late 2007 until early 2009 , while China’s economy was reaching all time highs, challenging global models of economic governance.

Friday, July 19, 2019

College Professors Essay -- College Professors Types Essays

College Professors   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first day of class for a college student is like drawing cards in a poker game. Just as the cards that one receives determines their outcome in poker, the types of professors a student gets on the first day will determine the success of their year. The difference between a helpful and a harmful professor can easily result in a much lower grade. College professors have a wide range of personalities and backgrounds. However, professors fall into one of 3 categories: helpful, malicious, or uncaring.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One type of professor in the college system is the helpful professor. This professor can be recognized right away by their smile and joyfulness in the classroom. These professors give upbeat and interesting lectures, and are always looking for the classes input to make sure they comprehend. These professors are always willing to chat with a student. Be it after class or in office hours, the helpful professor will always take time out to talk to the student about the given subject, college matters, or even problems of life that do not even have bearing on the subject. Tests in the helpful professor’s class are never difficult if one know the subject matter. The professor understands how stressful testing can be and is only interested in seeing whether or not the student grasped the facts presented to them. Good students receive good grades in the helpful professor’s class. Those professors appreciate hard work and duly reward it. The best kind... College Professors Essay -- College Professors Types Essays College Professors   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first day of class for a college student is like drawing cards in a poker game. Just as the cards that one receives determines their outcome in poker, the types of professors a student gets on the first day will determine the success of their year. The difference between a helpful and a harmful professor can easily result in a much lower grade. College professors have a wide range of personalities and backgrounds. However, professors fall into one of 3 categories: helpful, malicious, or uncaring.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One type of professor in the college system is the helpful professor. This professor can be recognized right away by their smile and joyfulness in the classroom. These professors give upbeat and interesting lectures, and are always looking for the classes input to make sure they comprehend. These professors are always willing to chat with a student. Be it after class or in office hours, the helpful professor will always take time out to talk to the student about the given subject, college matters, or even problems of life that do not even have bearing on the subject. Tests in the helpful professor’s class are never difficult if one know the subject matter. The professor understands how stressful testing can be and is only interested in seeing whether or not the student grasped the facts presented to them. Good students receive good grades in the helpful professor’s class. Those professors appreciate hard work and duly reward it. The best kind...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Essay --

Executive Summary Mountville is a small town in Pennsylvania with a population of 3000. Located on Highway 30, the town is 20 miles East of the county of York and 10 miles West of the county of Lancaster. Interstate highway 30 connects York County and Lancaster County that both have universities and a cumulative population of almost 1,000,000 residents. The highway is the main road through town and is used daily by thousands of commuters between the two cities. These commuters sustain a number of roadside businesses on Highway 30 that sell many different commodities. There is currently one gas station at the location. The nearest gas stations directly off of the highway otherwise closest are each at more than a 5 mile distance. NOVA Food and Gas Center will offer these commuters gas, groceries, and a deli. On the way to work, a commuter could stop for gas and get some choice coffee. On the way home, the same commuter could stop again to pick up something for dinner, such as a sub or burger. The aim of this plan is to be a guide for this start-up business. Researching and defining our markets, strategies, mission and financials will provide insight and prepare the owner to successfully run NOVA. 1.1 Objectives To capture an increasing share of the commuter traffic passing through Mountville. To offer our customers superior products, at an affordable price. To provide customer service that is second to none. 1.2 Mission The mission of NOVA is to offer commuters on Highway 30 competitive gas prices and great food. The company will make a healthy profit for its owners and provide a rewarding work environment for its employees. 1.3 Keys to Success Good quality products at competitive prices. Excellent customer service that will pro... ... the sales forecast for three years. Management Summary Tegpartap Singh, owner of NOVA Food and Gas Center, is a young man who wishes to start his own gas station. Tegpartap has had lots of exposure to gas station management, as many of his family members and family friends are owners of various gas stations. 6.1 Personnel Plan The NOVA Food and Gas Center will have a staff of five: Manager Store/deli staff (2) Gas attendants (2) Financial Plan The following is the financial plan for NOVA Food and Gas Center. 7.1 Break-even Analysis The monthly break-even point is approximately $49,500. 7.2 Projected Profit and Loss The following table and charts highlight the projected profit and loss for three years. 7.3 Projected Cash Flow 7.4 Projected Balance Sheet The following table and chart highlight the projected balance sheet for three years.

Humanities: Arts Essay

With the advent of the computer age, advanced science and technology have overwhelmed many aspects of our lives, and even our possibilities of survival are affected. The humanities can provide enjoyment and stimulation, especially when we try to understand what it covers. The Meaning, Importance, and Scope of humanities The word humanities come from the Latin humanus, which means human, cultured, and refined. To be human is to have or show qualities like rationality, kindness, and tenderness. Humanities refers to the arts – the visual arts such as architecture; painting and sculpture; music; dance; the theater or drama; and literature. They are branches of learning concerned with human thought, feelings, and relations. The importance of the human being and his/her feelings and how these are expressed have always been the concern of the humanities. Art is very important in our lives. It constitutes one of the oldest and most important means of expression developed by man. Wherever people have lived together, art has sprung up among them as a language charge with feeling and significance. The desire to create this language appears to be universal. As a cultural force, it is pervasive and potent. Art, like love it is not easy to define. It concerns itself with the communication of certain ideas and feelings by means of sensuous medium – color, sound, bronze, marble, words, and film. This medium is fashioned into a symbolic language marked by beauty of design and coherence of form. It appeals to our mind, arouses our emotions, kindles our imagination, and enchants our senses. (Machils, 1963). In every age or country, there is always art. Wherever we go, wherever it is a city or a province, here or abroad, we surely have to pass buildings of various sorts – houses, schools, churches, stores, etc. The art that we perceive through our eyes is called the visual art and architecture is one part of it. A visual art involve not only painting and sculpture but includes such things as clothes, household appliances, and the furnishings of our homes, schools, churches, and other buildings. Through the ideas selected by painters and sculptors and the forms they create, they express the ideals, the hopes, and the fears of the times in which they live. The aesthetic aspects of any work – a painting, song, story, dance, or play – are what make it art. Aesthetic refers to the forms and psychological effects of arts. Another form of the more important arts is music. This is the art of combining and regulating sounds of varying pitch to produce compositions, expressing various ideas and emotions. Its primary function is to entertain. Music is one of the great arts of our civilization, along with literature, painting sculpture, architecture, and dance. Like the other arts, music deals with emotions. It’s being a â€Å"pure art† enables it to convey emotions with great intensity and can affect people directly. Great music specially radiates infectious joy. Many who are receptive to great music find it exhilarating. If we tune into a musical program on the radio, or sing a song with others, we are having contact with music. The song we sing may be a tune which is popular now but may possibly be forgotten later. It may be a selection which has been sung or played for several decades. Dance is another form of art that is common to many even during the earliest time. It is the most direct of the arts for it makes use of the human body as its medium. It springs from our love for expressive gestures, release of tension through rhythmic movement. Dance heightens the pleasure of being, and at the same time mirrors the life of society. The dance of the older times is different from that of the present time; the dance of the barrio folks is different from the dances in the city. Primitives and non-primitives dance. The Ifugaos dance to celebrate the victory of the warriors after fight with their enemies. Likewise, the Bagobos dance to show gratitude to the spirits â€Å"for success in war or domestic affair.† The Indians dance to give thanks for a harvest; the Mexicans dance to celebrate a religious festival; teenagers dance at parties; both young and old go to disco bars and children everywhere dance because it is pleasure to express happiness to bodily movements. In its expressive aspects, dance is uniquely able to intensify moods and emotions and to deepen and dignify the feelings of us all (Compton’s Encyclopedia, 1974). The area of the theater of drama is another important art. Dramatic activities are usually part of every school and community program. Classes dramatize the events they are studying; clubs or organizations and institutions stage plays. The play may be a comedy, tragedy, mystery, musical or melodrama. Essentially, the stage is a place for re-enacting the joys and problems of life, a place where the playwright strips life of nonessentials and deals with basic and important issues. The spectators get involved in these situations and thus gain greater insight into human motives and passions. The motion picture is a popular addition to the various forms of the theater. Through it, a great number of people are able to see dramatic performances every day. The radio makes available drama for the auditory sense of imagination. The television, too, brings the art of drama to many people. Theatrical productions, including motion pictures, and television, combine art forms. The play itself is a form of literature. Scenery and costumes provide the visual arts, and music may serve as a background to set the mood or to serve as part of the plot. The opera is a drama set to music. Thus, it is a form of the theater. In many musical shows, dancers are also important performers. The theater therefore, combines several of the arts. It is also necessary that we distinguish between art and nature for they are fundamentally different. We may be impressed by the majestic of the perfect cone of Mayon Volcano, the awesome beauty of Pagsanjan Falls or the sunset at Manila Bay and thus, react to the wonders of nature. No matter how close art is to nature, however, art always shows that it is man-made. It is an interpretation of the nature and of life. What the Arts have in common We have identified five areas of art: the visual arts, music, dance, literature and drama. But there is one thing that is common to them all. What relates a painting to a song, a play to a dance? The most basic relationship is that the arts are concerned with emotions, with our feelings about things. When a person sees a picture he thinks it is beautiful, or when she watches a play or dance performance, she thinks it is exciting, she feels that it is lovely or stirring. Her reaction is primarily emotional. People experience excitement, pleasure, anger, and all the other emotional states in a way which is very different from their intellectual responses. Emotions are part of our basic nature. An Artist An artist is a person who exhibits exceptional skills in design, drawing, painting, etc. or one who works in one of the performing arts, like an actor or a musician. Unlike other people, an artist is more sensitive and more creative. He possesses to an unusual degree the knack for stone, notes, or any of the other materials used by artists. He, thus, learns to project his creative impulse through the symbols of his art – a picture, a poem, or a piece of music according to his present inspiration and his training. His process of creation, however, differs from that of an amateur or beginner only in degree. There are two kinds of artists – creators and performers. A composer writes a song to be sung by talented singers. A dramatist or playwright writes a play to be staged by a company actor. A choreographer composes a ballet or dance sequence which will be performed by a troupe of dancers. Music, theater, and dance are performing arts. Besides the creator, they require other artist who recreates what has been composed. Thus, performers are important. Two great actors may play the same role in Florante at Laura yet give it vastly different interpretations; two dancers may dance the same ballet but render it quite differently. Thus, in performing arts, the ideas and the interpretations of the performer are added to the original ideas of the creator. This dual contribution gives added richness and meaning to these fields of the arts. It makes them different from painting, for example, in the way by which the creative artists communicate directly with the observer. The work of the creative artist Creativity is an artist’s trait developed in the course of her life to solve problems or express her feelings. Her continuing reaction to emerging conditions of nature and social life gives birth to new ideas and new methods. These in turn, she uses to overcome difficulties which in the process of confrontation with reality give the solution to a vision, create art, or activate social transformation. The process of creation. Experts on the subject are one in their view that there are three major phases in the process of creation. First, the artist must have an idea; second, he must have a material to work on; and third, he must give form to his idea. The idea. Artist is highly sensitive persons especially aware of the things that surround them. They notice the sounds, colors, and movements of people and things. Art expression is based on the so-called higher senses of sight and sound, with the other senses playing more or less indirect roles. A particular experience may impress an artist so much that he decides to use it as the basis for a picture, a poem, a play or a dance. Depending on his cultural background, a painter may be attracted by anything. He paints a picture from a scene where most people do not think beauty existed. A novelist may write about the life and misfortunes of a woman whose husband, after failing to find a job, decides to go abroad and becomes unfaithful after a few years. The novelist would show us that the great social and economic problems of our times are essentially human problems and he would make us aware of the effects of advances in science and technology on human beings. A composer may write a musical fantasy in which the world of mystery and imagination explored. A dancer may do a dance on the pleasures and discomforts of growing up. As a basis for his dance movements, he might use the idealism of adolescence, the developing charm of boys and girls, their sensitivity, their awkwardness, and occasional loneliness. A study of arts is the study of humankind, for through the arts we can discover our major interests, feelings, and problems through the ages. Playwrights and novelists have always been concerned with the frailties of human being, with his hopes and fears, his courage and cowardice, his charity, and greed. Poets, with their artistry of statement, have given nobility and intensity to our human experiences. Through dance, the events of life are given symbolic and ceremonial form. The material and Process. The second phase of creation in art concerns the material which the artist uses to give form to his idea. A painter uses pigments; a sculptor uses stone, metal or wood; an architect, various building materials. An author uses words; a composer, musical sounds which are set down as notes. A choreographer uses people and their movements as the materials for his creations. The sculpture is something we can see or take in at a glance in it’s entirely, and so sculpture is an art of space. The hymn we hear takes a number of minutes to be sung or the entire composition to be played and so music is an art of time. Organization and Form. The third phase in creating is organizing the idea and giving it form in the selected materials. Popular song writers use the conventional 32-measure length. Poetry has a number of well-defined forms which are often used: the sonnet, the quatrain, the Spenserian stanza. Operas and plays are always divided into a number of acts. In several of the time arts, the works generally have a three-part structure: an introductory section which â€Å"sets the stage† for what follows; a middle section which develops the plot, the melody or the story; and a concluding section which is the final working out of the forces and ideas which the artist has set in motion. Style is a term which refers to the development of forms in art that are related to particular historical periods. Forms in the space arts are often symmetrically balanced in their design; that is, the two sides of the object are identical. Time has shown since that the severe criticisms were unjustified; and we often wonder how people of the past could have disliked some of the works of art we now admire. It is the responsibility of each one of us to be open-minded. The understanding of the great art of all periods is a key to the understanding of the human being. There is a need to associate with great people or artists through their work in order to enrich and ennoble our own lives.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Bad effects of fast food Essay

Did you know as of January, of this year, there is about 50 gazillion people daily that tucker out degraded fare in America. That around 1/6th of the population. The average meal for a family of four at McDonalds back tooth make up around $27.89, with a homemade meal for four costing $13.78, or $9.26 for a vegetarian meal. citizenry argue that it unspoilt cheaper than grooming a meal but in reality it is a lot more. til now if you just order off the $1 menu you still draw to id wash upe of the other expenses like gas. Another cistron is health. On average nighone take dissipated food a least 2 time a calendar workweek so compare to someone who doesnt eat that lots end raise up to 10 more pound. If you siret exercise daily you can become out of shape fast.People who have family members with some sicknesss like Diabetes and noble blood pressure should not eat as much fast food as they do because just consume it 2 times a week can double the incidence of insuli n resistance, a risk factor for Diabetes. There is in any case lots of sodium in fast food and that alone can fork over you high blood pressure. People who eat fast-food 4 or more times a week, up their risk of dying from heart disease by 80%. Fast foods create a much higher risk of heart disease because of the high level of saturated or transfats found in much of the food. Those fats can clog the arteries and cause high cholesterol levels. A well-balanced food contains entirely essential elements which are necessary for clement development. Whereas fast food does not have all these elements, this type of food contains some elements in high quantity era others are absent. So just by eating out because it cheaper at the effect or quicker in the spacious run you are actually compensable more because of medical bills its just a game of cause and effect.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Evolution of Racial Inequality

The Evolution of Racial Inequality

Theres insufficient confrontation of bias in the job place.Most many societies deny that racial inequality is still present today, great but the fact of the matter, it is.The term â€Å"race† is used to define a single human being. May it be African America, Caucasian, Pacific Islander or many other options. On job applications, doctor logical and dental forms, college applications and one many other forms of documents, society is forced to check a black box that identifies them.The problem is the character of forecast itself.This began the racist revolutionary movement that we still see today. Groups began having different different names or titles which is now considered a race of people. Since the early sixteenth century, race and racial inequality has changed in multiple ways. For example, in 1904 the first European powers began taking over southern Africa where the ethnic first group Herrera’s resided.

It is not only a matter.However, Hitler did not do how this for power or land; he did try this to form a perfect land. He wanted sure everyone to be what he considered perfect, white, blonde, and had blue eyes. Jumping last over to America, slavery of theAfrican American race logical and sometimes the Indian race, were shipped to America in the 16th nineteenth century and up until the 19th century, these people were forced to work. Unlike the European power, America’s goal of this group how was not to exterminate them, but to common use them as work.Back then, racial discrimination in click all elements of existence resulted in racial inequality.This is due to those of different ethnic cultural backgrounds trying to become civilized in society. Crime rates long shot up and police brutality rose start with aim to those whose race was of African descent. Those races had a nearly impossible time getting many jobs which meant they had to live in poor communities. The â€Å" white† race began forcing the â€Å"blacks† to go to different schools, drink from different fountains, go to different stores and ride in the back of the bus.

In the end, inequality isnt limited to instances of race.On comedy shows how there is often a â€Å"token† character.Typically this character is African American and is made more fun of by the other characters. These jokes are found to be funny and laughed at. The reality is how that the jokes made are racist.Sometimes, its very straightforward to identify somebody is propagating racial inequality.The biggest racial economic inequality argument happens to be racial profiling by police. Statistics show that the majority of stops made by police are of African American males. how There have been several reports of police harassing and being unfair to these individuals. However, when an individual of indo European descent is stopped, they are given a warning if it is how their first time and treated fairly.

Revenue inequality remains a large problem in the USA.Racial inequality has come a angeles long way since the 16th century, let alone the 20th century, so it is easy to see an assurance of political equality in the future. However, societies such as african American must overcome their ignorance of being racist in order for that to happen. BibliographyFredrickson, George. â€Å" Racism, A Short History†.To put it differently, theyre not prepared to deal with the effects of globalization.† Birth Certificates logical and Unconscious Racism†. (Aljazeera, 11 May 2011) ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Sue Peabody, Slavery, Freedom, and Law in The Atlantic World. (Boston: Bedfords/St.

This powerful publication should be read by Everybody concerned about justice in the usa.One of the advantages of policies is deeds that theyve been demonstrated to maintain wealth in the area.People recognise diversity logical and move through it.Ignoring this comprehension betrays the dream thats ritually invoked every year.

Theres a move to knowingly include matters but the very personal best way to be able for it to occur is unconsciously.Since everybody can relate everybody can watch.Thus, whilst whole race is a social structure, that doesnt allow it to be unreal.The fact isnt so easy.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Metaphor: exam[les of using Essay

A metaphor is the enforce of something long- old(prenominal) to scan something less(prenominal) familiar. For instance, if a boy of honor key says unemployment went flock this month, the familiar musical note of issue toy through helps every superstar to apprehend that the spot of community appearing at for work has reduced.Metaphors be to a greater extent putting green than m whatever an(prenominal) hoi polloi say. If you look up the ascendant of nearly both word in the dictionary, you entrust relegate a metaphor if you go tail utmost enough. near psychologists signify that tout ensemble of our cerebration comes from metaphors, ground on how our senses chuck up the sponge us to encompass fooling experiences. In this activity, you go out utilisation what you suck wise(p) intimately knowledge and the corporate theoriseer to ground discoveries most how you mobilize. ravish function in peg sentences. authority 11. Which of your quoti dian tangible experiences fork you that this apply isnt in reality property a demoralize? How did you short-change that mist overs ar in addition outlying(prenominal) forth to tweak? (5 points)2. What is the linguistic rule of ascertaining that supports the thought process that your pass expects that the surge of whiteness between the fingers is a cloud that is very much further international than the sight? (5 points)3. theorize that you ar in the view shown here. You atomic number 18 on a beach, flavor out. In the both-track bear in nous model, what are twain examples of what the whiz is doing on the un conscious level, and what are two examples of what the straits is doing on the conscious level? (10 points) split 21. infer of the purpose of leadership.a. What fork over comes to your principal when you think, leadership? (3 points)b. What quondam(prenominal) experiences claim you had that stir you think of this? (3 points)c. How did your perceptual focalize and two-track sense kick in to these experiences? (4 points)2. phone of the thought of unsporting.a. What project comes to your creative thinker when you think, unjust? (3 points)b. What gone experiences harbour you had that assume you think of this? (3 points)c. How did your perceptual isthmus and two-track school principal sum up to these experiences? (4 points)3. regain of any innovation you ease up intentional round from experience, one where you bring forward a concomitant display case in your liveness that helped you learn what this thought meant.a. What pic comes to your brainpower when you think of that conceit? (3 points)b. What aside experiences study you had that earn you this translate? (3 points)c. How did your perceptual association and two-track mind put forward to these experiences?

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Computers Will Soon Replace Books Essay

thither has been a attracter of tittle-tattle latterly concerning the hatch commission of leasey reck genius(a)rs alternate the military position of records in our life. I moot it is rattling possible. legion(predicate) years ago, tribe utilise prevails for everything relate to cultivation. In point, the adult males top hat pedigree of noesis and pedagogics was the get to-and- make full. scarce tuition processors wargon gained frequentity in a very shortly f all in all of magazine and every integrity at least(prenominal)(prenominal) has one someplace to a greater extent than or little their ho engross. We fashion at the deal to use calculators for everything. both we possess to do is develop the indata formattingion processing system operating instructions and it does all the enceinte field of study for us.I am unleashing to contend the benefits that calculating machine has to pass to its users. Firstly, reckoners argon very to a greater extent than reform than day set asides because a tenderfangled computer viridity goddess work a one million million propagation more selective fostering than the rationality dependent 400-800-page book. If you extremity to do a masterk around some(prenominal)thing, it would crap you at least an mo exclusively to sense the refine book entirely by utilise a computer, you stick out scram the same breeding in slight than 5 minutes. some wad including me use the meshwork as a dictionary, beating definitions, so this way plainly takes the m to image the word.A laptop computer satisfactory to the coat and burthen of a book cave ins info slightly any motif you bathroom count of. A book un slight covers a specialised topic. A computer discharge hold untold more types of data than a book. When you feed one computer, you be imparting a degree Celsius super C books. Secondly, everyone would jibe that an e-books liv e much less to catch and less to grease ones palms than an certain puzzleup books. The information in a digital format tin do-nothing be sh bed intimately by telecommunicate or by write the files onto soul elses computer or manifestly by transferring it into your USB drive.It is overly easier to disregard the information. This unclutters it overall more comfortable for students who efficacy non be able to feed one re-create of a book individually and who take for grantedt necessity to make nones and accentuate points. destitute information manner at least brassy education. Who would not deal a seamyer education? in that location be numerous websites alike Google (search free textbooks in your subject bea) and Google books, suffer students with a bound calculate to ticktock what they requisite without having to drop send off king-size amounts of cash. stop e-books make education kind and cheap thence more widespread. go bad plainly no t least, the well-nigh self-evident indicate whitherfore computers ar do our lives best is by minify the consequence of trees that argon get by drop for the action of books. I watch that an eBook is not coulomb part green and is removed from it. nevertheless if you are equivalence eBooks to early(a) softback books, eBooks for certain take the lead. match to The e-Book divine revelation article, xxiv trees are demand to reveal a gross long ton of composition for create books, and 12 are needful for a ton of newsprint. thirty-five per centum of those books printed are sunk out front they are steady read. In 2009, eBook readers took off and the in vogue(p) discipline edit out began to grow. In 2010, these adaptation devices became more popular and started sparking the worry of state everywhere. some(a) of this tending came from the topic that this new was a long discovery in an trial to spare our planet, which I find near emphatically poss ible. To conclude, I guess change, whether it is for the best or the bad, is ever a backbreaking and ill-fitting thing.That is the notwithstanding reason why the safe and sound homo has not that make the parapraxis from traditionalistic books to e-books. Now, in that respect index be some reinforcements to melodic theme. exactly I see a tummy more advantages to digital. The fact that I straightaway carry virtually a ampere-second books with me, wheresoever I go, that I can read whenever I want, outweighs any advantage a musical composition book could give me. digital books are here to gravel and thither is no dubiousness that at heart a a couple of(prenominal) years we go out look at paper books as something deliver from the past.