Friday, December 27, 2019

Essential Attributes in Nursing - 1220 Words

Nursing is developed gradually over the last 1800 years. Today’s demand for skilled nurses is significantly increases for educated nurses. Nurses is the first provider of health care, which delivers a high quality of care, safe environment, person-centred and focuses on the care of individuals, families and communities. In a nursing good workplace citizenship needs an understanding and maintaining a good relationship between patients and health professional to deliver quality health care and services. In the context of nursing, communication, teamwork and social responsibility is the main graduates attributes that are essential in workplace citizenship because it promotes a healthy relationship between health professionals, patients and†¦show more content†¦In nursing profession nurses have to work together with patients, families, doctors, and health professional to foster health promotion and focuses on diseases prevention. Effective teamwork helps to reduce the wor kload and safe time. Nurses play a main role in hospital to provide the information about the patients that the rest of the team relies on the nurses. For instance: patient with fracture leg have to go to emergency department first and second nurses will take over and pass the information to the doctor and X-ray member help to find out the problems. In hospital this is ongoing process with different skills work between team members to provide a quality care to patients. In the nursing mutual respect, holistic approach, and interprofessional teamwork is successful for patients, families and health professional. The main successes for the teamwork are sharing knowledge, information, and sharing experience with team, which encouraged the staff to focus on the positive role and valuing the contribution of individual team member (Scott et al, 2010). For instance: a nurse who works in team in their shift has less stress and deliver high quality care to patient. As well as it is important to know the role of each nurse and tasks, which helps the staff to motivate, problem solving and works openly within the team (Reeves et al, 2010). Therefore, in nursing profession to provide effective and efficiency care to patient’sShow MoreRelatedLeadership And The Graduate Nurse Role1144 Words   |  5 PagesSouth University â€Æ' Leadership and the Graduate Nursing Role Leadership is a core competency in the field of advanced practice nursing (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, O’Grady, 2014). Graduate level nurses exercise leadership across four major spheres including nursing profession, clinical practice environments, health policy, and at the system level. 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The article states that nurse competence is not a desti nation but rather a journey that gets longer the more you learn (Smith, 2012). This article establishes that, by obtaining many viewpoints and integrating them into one and developing it, nursing will be able to create an all-encompassing definition of competence. Method of Analysis The method of analysis used in theRead MoreNursing Theory Concept Analysis : Nursing Theories1357 Words   |  6 PagesNursing Theory Concept Analysis Introduction With the numerous nursing theories that have been established throughout the profession, it has become empirical for nursing professionals to be able to sort through the various concepts and critically analyze the significance for individual practice as well as the profession of nursing as a whole. Nursing theories should be analyzed and investigated for the value before acceptance just as new ideas are reviewed prior to implementation into practice.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Kennedy Doctrine - 1168 Words

The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy James Cantrell POL 300- International Problems May 16, 2013 Professor Mark A. Stallo, Ph.D. During John F. Kennedy’s presidency the United States was seriously concerned with stopping the spread of communism throughout the world and there where hot spots that sparked the Kennedy administrations attention. Containment was the United States foreign policy doctrine that proclaimed that the Soviet Union needed to be contained to prevent the spread of communism throughout the world. This containment policy meant that the United States needed to fight communism abroad and promote democracy worldwide. During President Kennedy’s time in office he was faced with the Bay of Pigs Invasion of 1961, the Berlin†¦show more content†¦The Cuban Missile Crisis was to be President Kennedy’s greatest moments of his Flexible Response Doctrine. On October 14, 1962, a U-2 reconnaissance plane got a photograph of evidence of the missiles in western Cuba. President Kennedy met with his advisors in secret for several days to discuss the issue at hand. The president dec ided to place a naval blockade, or a ring of ships, around Cuba to prevent the Soviets from bringing in more supplies, and demanded the removal of the missiles already there and the destruction of the sites. [JFK in History: Cuban Missile Crisis (n.d.)]. The public was informed of the building crisis on October 22, 1962 while the world held its breath for what was to come next. The possibility of a nuclear war loomed over the U.S. and Soviet Union. If Khrushchev wouldn’t order the removal of the missiles then Kennedy was ready to launch an all out attack on the Soviet Union and Cuba. On October 24, 1962 all of the Soviet ships that were headed to Cuba turned back from the blockade except for one. This put the United States on alert for war. Kennedy received a letter from Khrushchev that proposed the removal of the missiles if the President would publicly announce that the United States would never invade Cuba. After a U-2 plane was shot down over Cuba on October 27, 1962 and on the same day another U-2Show MoreRelatedKennedy Doctrine3116 Words   |  13 PagesThe Kennedy Doctrine refers to foreign policy initiatives of the 35th President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, towards Latin America during his term in office between 1961 and 1963. Kennedy voiced support for the containment of Communism and the reversal of Communist progress in the Western Hemisphere. The Kennedy Doctrine was essentially an expansion of the foreign policy prerogatives of the previous administrations of Dwight D. Eisenhower and Harry S. Truman. The foreign policiesRead MoreLyndon B Johnson and the Kennedy Doctrine1029 Words   |  4 Pagesvice-president was taking over for President Kennedy, who had recently been assassinated. Kennedys foreign policy largely revolved around the Kennedy Doctrine, which was a continuation of the doctrine of preceding presidents Dwight Eisenhower and Harry Truman, both of who were committed to the containment of communism while propagating the capitalist economic system that the U.S. was known for. The Kennedy Doctrine, however, was considered slightly distinct from the doctrines of the other two presidents becauseRead MoreEssay about Foreign Policy - Roosevelt Corollary1109 Words   |  5 PagesThe Roosevelt Corollary greatly affected American foreign policy. It was in sharp contrast to the Monroe Doctrine, put in place to stop fo reign intervention with the American continents. In 1823 President Monroe implemented US policy that stated European powers were not allowed to colonize or interfere with the newly budding United States or the Americas. In 1904 President Roosevelt expanded upon this policy in response to European intervention with Latin America. This policy became known asRead MoreIn the 1969 case of Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC, Red Lion Broadcasting challenged the fairness900 Words   |  4 PagesIn the 1969 case of Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC, Red Lion Broadcasting challenged the fairness doctrine that the Federal Communication Commission imposed on them in relation to a specific broadcast. Red Lion Broadcasting Co. aired that program on November 27, 1964, which included a personal attack on one author Fred J. Cook. Red Lion Broadcasting Co. refused to give Fred J. Cook his requested free time on air for rebuttal. As a result, the FCC supported Cook and ordered the radio station toRe ad MoreAnalysis of Naomi Klein’s book, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism1683 Words   |  7 PagesThe term the Shock Doctrine was created by journalist Naomi Klein in her book The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism which refers to the idea that economic liberalists formed an entire industry take advantage of disasters such as natural disasters or military coups and privatize everything they can get their hands on. The name of this industry is the Disaster Capitalism Complex and it is comprised of the corporations and organizations that see recently shocked areas as ripe for the emplacementRead MoreMonroe Doctrine Essay1777 Words   |  8 Pageswould be handle from this point forward. It addressed European nations in particular and stated that â€Å"the United States would not tolerate further colonization or puppet nations† The Monroe Doctrine was initially designed to protect the Latin colonies but later President Theodore Roosevelt extended the Doctrine to include the United States would be the policing powers of the Western Hemisphere, this became known as the Roosevelt Corollary. Roosevelt stated that the United States had a â€Å"morale mandate†Read MoreEvolution of the Monroe Doctrine Essay2572 Words   |  11 Pagespower in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition towards the United States.† The Monroe Doctrine The foreign policy objectives of the United States have changed drastically throughout the nation’s history. Old ideologies and policies have been abandoned and forgotten as America’s role in the global arena has developed. However, the Monroe Doctrine is an example of American foreign policy that has remained influential since its initiation shortly after America’s conceptionRead MoreThe Presidential Election For The Presidency Of The United States1425 Words   |  6 Pages(CITE). After winning his second term as president, Ronald Reagan established what is now known as â€Å"The Reagan Doctrine,† which provided support, both financially and militarily, for anti-communist fighters throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America (CITE).   The policy’s goal was to eliminate tyrannical governments and promote individual liberties, freedom, and democracy. The Reagan doctrine became the centerpiece of the Reagan administration by successfully stopping the Soviet Union from spreadingRead MorePresidential Doctrines Essay1051 Words   |  5 PagesRunning head: PRESIDENTIAL DOCTRINES Presidential Doctrines: President Kennedy and the Communist Expansion Abstract The Kennedy Doctrine was essentially an expansion of the foreign policy of the previous administrations of Dwight D. Eisenhower and Harry S. Truman, The Eisenhower doctrine focused providing both military and economic assistance to nations resisting communism and increasing trade from the U.S. to Latin America and the Truman doctrine focused on containment of communism by providingRead MoreThe War Of The Civil Rights Movement1476 Words   |  6 Pageshe ended the Korean War, CIA-sponsored coups in Iran and Guatemala, and Eisenhower Doctrine in the Middle East. He ended the Korean War by telling the South Korean government if they do not accept the armistice, he would withdraw all American forces from the peninsula. In Iran and Guatemala the coups were sent there for the purpose to install pro-American governments. On January 4, 1957 the Eisenhower Doctrine was proposed for a middle eastern country can request american aid from U.S. military

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Power of Words Essay Sample free essay sample

How work forces foremost learnt to contrive words. is unknown ; in other words. the beginning of linguistic communication is a enigma. All we truly know is that work forces. unlike animate beings. someway invented certain sounds to show ideas and feelings. actions and things. So that they could pass on them to each other ; and that. subsequently. they agreed upon certain marks. called letters. which could be com ­bined to stand for those sounds. and which could be written down. These sounds. whether spoken. or written in letters. we call words. A word. so. is merely a sound. or the written mark of a sound. which work forces of any peculiar state have agreed shall intend a certain thing. action. feeling or idea. How can such mere marks have any power? Well. of class. it is non the mark itself that has power. but the thing it stands for. A foreign word which has no significance for us. We will write a custom essay sample on The Power of Words Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page can hold no power over us ; but the significance of many words of our linguistic communication have the power to bestir in us the passions of fright. love. hatred. choler. desire. shame. joy and sorrow. For illustration. the word â€Å"Fire! † shouted in a crowded theater. will set the whole audience into a terror ; the word â€Å"home† will convey cryings to the eyes of an expatriate ; the word â€Å"freedom† will bestir a subjected people to revolution ; the word â€Å"death† will chill the bravest bosom. To name a adult male a â€Å"coward† will do him crimson for shame. or bestir him to a blazing of incensed choler ; to state him a loved one is â€Å"dead† . will make full him with sorrow ; to state a hapless adult male he is â€Å"rich† . will make full him with joy. And there are words for which work forces have died. such as â€Å"fatherland† . â€Å"king† . and â€Å"faith† . The power of words. so. prevarications in their associations the things they bring up before our heads. Wordss become filled with significance for us by experience ; and the longer we live. the more certain words recall to us the sword lily and sad events of our yesteryear ; and the more we read and learn. the more the figure of words that mean something to us additions. Great authors are those who non merely have great ideas but who express these ideas in words which appeal strongly to our heads and emotions. This charming and stating usage of words is what we call literary manner. Above all. the existent poet is a maestro of words. He can convey his significance in words which sing like music. and which by their place and association can travel work forces to cryings. Wordss are alive. As clip passes they are born. turn to full adulthood. and dice. And they change morally. Some that began as common words become great and baronial in intending. like â€Å"reli ­gion† . that originally meant a â€Å"bond† . And some guiltless words become debauched ; for illustration. a â€Å"villain† originally meant merely a husbandman. and â€Å"knave† meant merely a boy-servant. â€Å"Damn† meant at first merely to reprobate. And words. like coins. acquire worn and rubbed with usage. boulder clay they lose their true significance and go weak and uneffective ; for illustration. â€Å"nice† meant originally delicacy. delicate. all right. while now it means about anything. We should hence take our words carefully and utilize them accurately. or they will do our address silly and vulgar.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Transtheoretical Model in Sedentary Lifestyle Interventions free essay sample

Despite the social, health, and personal benefits of exercising, many people still choose not to exercise. 60% of the population is inadequately active or completely inactive (2). Traditional methods of prescribing exercise have not proven effective for increasing and maintaining a program of regular physical activity. Despite many recent technical breakthroughs in healthcare, human behavior remains the largest source of variance in health-related outcomes. Trainers, coaches, and public health employees all want to know how to get through to people who are deemed â€Å"couch potatoes† and don’t seem to have any motivation to change their lifestyle choices. People’s health and well being are robustly affected by lifestyle factors such as smoking, hygiene, diet, and physical activity (4). Even though this population knows exercise is the medicine they desperately need there are several barriers to beginning and maintaining a change in fitness commitment such as lack of social support, inclement weather, disruptions in routine, lack of access to facilities, and dislike of vigorous exercise (2). We will write a custom essay sample on Transtheoretical Model in Sedentary Lifestyle Interventions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Understanding these underlying issues for resisting change can help to develop intervention programs for populations who are inactive or inadequately inactive according to public health recommendations. Outside of the hospital setting most health care interventions are highly dependent on the patient following their doctors’ orders and buying into the treatment plan. A significant problem is patients not being ready for change and being unable to follow prescribed changes or recommended behaviors over time, thus returning to the doctor time after time for the same issues. The good news is that help for the patient, client, or employee who is not ready for a behavior change is possible through understanding when and what motivational message to use with them. For those patients who are far from integrating a traditional high intensity workout intervention plan into their lives, a moderate-intensity activity plan integrated with the assistance of counseling to integrate this into their daily lives can have significant health benefits and could aid public health efforts to reduce the prevalence of sedentary lifestyles. This means that health care professionals who are counseling their patients about physical activity can provide options beyond traditional fitness center–based recommendations. The question is how does a coach know when and in what way to counsel patients in a manner that will meet them at their level of readiness to change. The transtheoretical model of change argues that individuals progress through stages of change and that movement across the stages is cyclic rather than linear, because many people do not succeed in their efforts at establishing and maintaining lifestyle changes (5). According to this theory at different times a person may be in a different stage of change motivation and therefore different intervention techniques would be more effective to use with them. Utilizing the transtheoretical model, behavior change can be maximized by matching the coach’s motivational message to patients or clients readiness to exercise. When this model is implemented in a health intervention it can be called an individually adapted health behavior change program or a lifestyle change program. In the Journal of American Medical Association, Dunn et al (2), presents a study of comparison of lifestyle and structured interventions to increase physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness. The study compared results at 6, 18 and 24 months of a lifestyle based intervention based on the participants readiness of change stage and the structured intervention consisting of a regular workout regiment. The lifestyle change group had no membership to a gym and would meet weekly for group activities and counseling sessions. The population groups in this study were fairly healthy yet sedentary individuals. The results showed very similar results between the two groups. At six months the structured group had a slightly higher peak of physical ability but the lifestyle group had also made significant improvements from the baseline. At 24 months the lifestyle group had stayed close to their peak level of fitness and dropped significantly less than the structured workout group. The novel finding is that this approach is as effective in producing beneficial changes in physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness, blood pressure, and body composition as the traditional structured approach (2). The results of this study show how a lifestyle based fitness intervention program can have significant results comparable to a structured workout and can even be maintained better over the long term. Most people are not ready to go into change right away. The effectiveness of the lifestyle change intervention based on the transtheoretical model is good news for the population who is not able or ready to adopt and maintain a structured workout program. There is a series of five stages of change in the transtheoretical model that unfolds as a process over time. It is useful for health care workers to be able to diagnose which stage of change a person is in and then be able to tailor a motivational strategy of change for them. If you are working with an individual client, you can begin by asking if he or she engages in exercise in accordance with the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines (an accumulated weekly total of at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise or some equivalent combination) (3). Responses from among the following options will determine his or her stage of change: No, and I do not intend to in the next 6 months; No, but I intend to in the next 6 months; No, but I intend to in the next 30 days; Yes, I have been for less than 6 months; or Yes, I have been for more than 6 months (3). The five stages of the Transtheoretical Model are: one; pre-contemplation (not yet ready for change), two; contemplation (getting ready for change), three; Preparation (ready for change), four; action (actively making change), and five; maintenance (adhering to their behavior changes over time) (5). In pre-contemplation stage (not yet ready), the individual has no realistic thoughts of actually exercising or making behavior changes within the foreseeable future. They have often not been exposed to or don’t realize the weight of the benefits of adopting the behavior. They may also be thinking of all the cons involved with the behavior change. Individuals in this stage will often be defensive, demoralized, or in denial. This stage of lack of readiness to change is not to be confused with a lack of desire to change. The desire is in there and a person in this stage needs to realize the benefits involved for them. Asking the clients â€Å"What’s in it for them? † and â€Å"How will they benefit from exercising regularly? † will help them to build up the benefits in their mind. Moving to the next stage of change happens when the client realizes this change will make them healthier, improve their well-being, help them feel more confidant, make them stronger, and inspire others to be more active. The second stage of the transtheoretical model is contemplation (getting ready) (5). This category of people is intending to change or start exercising new behaviors within the next half year. They have become aware of the benefits involved in their prescribed change but are also acutely aware of the cons and drawbacks of their change. Confidence and commitment must be instilled in this group in order to be able to adopt regular exercise. This can be done by comparing the growing list of pros against the cons on the patients mind. For example you may ask, â€Å"How does finding the time to exercise compare to the time you could be adding to your life by actually exercising? † (3). The third stage of the transtheoretical model is preparation (ready) (5). Participants at this stage are ready to start taking action within the next 30 days. They take small steps that they believe can help them make the healthy behavior a part of their lives. For example, they tell their friends and family that they want to change their behavior. During this stage, participants are encouraged to seek support from friends they trust, tell people about their plan to change the way they act, and think about how they would feel if they behaved in a healthier way. Their number one concern is—when they act, will they fail? They learn that the better prepared they are the more likely they are to keep progressing. The fourth stage of the transtheoretical model is action. Participants at this stage have changed their behavior within the last 6 months, and need to work hard to keep moving ahead. These participants need to learn how to strengthen their commitments to change and to fight urges to slip back. Strategies taught here include substituting activities related to the unhealthy behavior with positive ones, rewarding themselves for taking steps toward changing, and avoiding people and situations that tempt them to behave in unhealthy ways. The fifth stage of the transtheoretical model is maintenance (5). Participants at this stage changed their behavior more than 6 months ago. It is important for people in this stage to be aware of situations that may tempt them to slip back into doing the unhealthy behavior—particularly stressful situations. Participants here learn to seek support from and talk with people they trust, spend time with people who behave in healthy ways, and remember to engage in alternative activities to cope with stress instead of relying on unhealthy behavior. Individually adapted lifestyle behavior change programs to increase physical activity teach behavioral skills to help participants incorporate physical activity into their daily routines. The programs are tailored to each individual’s specific interests, preferences, and readiness for change. These programs teach behavioral skills such as goal-setting and self-monitoring of progress toward those goals, building social support for new behaviors, behavioral reinforcement through self-reward and positive self-talk, structured problem solving to maintain the behavior change and prevention of relapse into sedentary behavior (1). Different strategies of motivation are most effective at different stages of change. Understanding what stage of change a patient is in will cater to the most effective intervention strategy being used on them. This paper reviewed the effectiveness of lifestyle change interventions based on the transtheoretical model and showed it to be as effective as traditional structured workout interventions on sedentary lifestyles. This is good news for the population who has previously been deemed unchangeable couch potatoes. The idea of success can be redefined to accept a change from one level of change to the next. Moving from pre-contemplation to the ready phase is a huge accomplishment that should not be overlooked.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Betrayed by my best friend Essay Example

Betrayed by my best friend Essay As a child growing up friends are everything. Your best friend is the one you share all your secrets with and trust them not to tell anyone. They are the one who knows everything about you and stands by your side through everything. For some, best friends may change frequently, but that wasnt the case of Michelle and l. That was the type of friend Michelle was. We had been friends since the first grade and shared everything. We never kept secrets from one another and more importantly, we never shared those secrets with anyone else. Well at least I didnt. One fall I learned many important lessons in life. We will write a custom essay sample on Betrayed by my best friend specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Betrayed by my best friend specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Betrayed by my best friend specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The most important one was not to trust people. Sounds cynical I know, but I dont know any other way to put it. I was 12 years old and trust had never been an issue for me, but that year brought on many changes. On a beautiful Saturday afternoon my whole outlook on life changed. On a day that seemed like so many before, my brother-in-law raped me. Dealing with that was more than I knew how to handle. The betrayal of the one person I thought I could trust only added to the pain. A few weeks passed before I could even bring myself to tell Michelle. He had made me feel like it was my fault, that I had done something to deserve it. He has also convinced me that if my sister found out it would cause her to lose the baby she was carrying. At that time I really didnt know any better so I believed him. Finally I realized I had to tell someone and of course Michelle was who I turned to. I explained what happened, how it made me feel, how it made me view things. Never in my life did I think she would tell anyone. Once again I was wrong, within three days it seemed the whole school knew. To make matters worse Michelle told people that it had been my fault. That it wasnt rape at all, that I had agreed to it. Even worse she told them I was pregnant by him. I couldnt understand how she could do something like that to me. Here I was trying to cope with what had been done to me physically and she betrayed me in a way that I couldnt even begin to understand. Granted, in time the talk moved on to something else as it always does in schools, and they all realized that I wasnt pregnant. Still, the damage to me was already done. I learned the hard way the need to be careful who you trust. It is something that was remained with me to this day. After being betrayed by my best friend, it became nearly impossible to trust anyone. Betrayed by my best friend By eschewing 123

Sunday, November 24, 2019

A Report On The Novel 1984, By George Orwell Essays - Free Essays

A Report On The Novel 1984, By George Orwell Essays - Free Essays A Report on the novel 1984, by George Orwell The Importance of 1984 1984 was a very important book. First, it helped show where communism was headed, and helped create repulsion towards Communism. Before this book (and Animal Farm) a lot of people thought Communism was a good thing. The major mainstream generally neutral about it, but this book really opened up and showed what a bad idea it was, because it showed where communism was headed, not a place where everyone was equal, but a place that was once that and evolved into a horrible totalitarian government that could never be toppled. Second, I'm not sure whether this book could last for years for generations to enjoy. Although I hope it remains a favorite, it was really ment as a political novel of the 20th century. It could still last though, if people don't forget about the 20th century, or something similar to communism appears in the future. (and even if that doesn't happen, it will probably still be liked because it's just a good book) Also, it would be ironic if something sim! ilar to "newspeak" comes about, English is forgotten and this book would be unreadible. Third, I think this shows an interesting portrait of human life. It's true, the upper class always tries to stay upper, the middle class tries to join the upper class, and the lower class wants everyone to be equal. Forth, I think this book would go very good in a series. I don't mean exactly sequels, but the "world of 1984", a series of books that shows Big Brother's rise to power, and who he really is, stories about Eastasia and Eurasia, what's going on in the Inner Party, a visit to the place where the telescreens are monitored, et cerera (by the way, I think there might be a sequel, I'm not sure. I saw a book that's supposed to be similar, only it's in the year 2000 and written by a different author, and it was written in the last two years) Well, I hoped I proved why 1984 is my favorite book, I guess. Summary of 1984 This story takes place in London, Airstrip One, formally called England, before it joined with North America, South America and some small European countries to form Oceania, which is based on the Ingsoc (English Socialism) political structure, which consists of Big Brother, the Inner Party, the Outer Party, and the proles. Big Brother is the mysterious elite totalitarian leader, whom the Outer Party adores. Only his voice is heard on the telescreen (a two direction broadcasting television, used for constantly pumping propaganda into people while monitoring them simultaneously), and a picture of him is posted on the walls. No one knows where he resides, and no one knows what his real name is. Then there's the elite, the Inner Party. They're upper class, and their main focus is to keep the middle class (the Outer Party) and the lower class (the proles) in line, and prevent them from getting to their status or starting revolutions or something. They get the Outer Party in line by getting them to love Big Brother, torturing them, and constantly pumping their heads with propaganda. They get the proles in line by keeping them ignorant, by giving them entertainment and such to keep them happy, and keep them ignorant about the suffering and injustice going on. If the proles wished so, they could easily overthrow the party. The book's main character is named Winston Smith, and he's from Airstrip One. He works at the Ministry of Truth, a place where propaganda is made, and media is changed and edited. Winston's job is editing old copies of The Times, which is the newspaper in London. Winston had been a thought criminal, which is someone who thought against Big Brother or the establishment, even very slightly. Winston bought a diary, and wrote "DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER" in it, as kind of a way to express himself and his rebelliousness on paper. Soon, Winston has an affair with a women named Julia. They rebel against Big Brother by loving each other, and having sex. Love and sex are against Big Brother because they divert love and energy away from him. Winston

Thursday, November 21, 2019

School uniform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

School uniform - Essay Example Some students and organizations, which promote freethinking and freedom of expression, have strongly contest in requiring school uniforms. This paper asserts that public school students in the US should be compelled to wear school uniforms by pointing out the various advantages would bring in terms of financial implication, convenience, safety in school, students' sense of identity and belonging as well as their discipline and learning. It is clearly seen that school uniforms would help parents save money on their children's clothing expenses. The set of tailor-made uniforms would be used by students on school days so parents would not have to be burdened with always buying clothes for their kids. With this, students would not find a reason to impel their parents to buy clothes for school since they already have school uniforms. Aside from this, wearing of school uniforms would also facilitate the convenience of students in selecting day-to-day clothes. Normally, these students encounter difficulties in choosing what to wear in school. At times, this problem may cause them to be late for class as they can hardly decide on what to actually wear or how to mix-and-match their clothes to look good. With school uniforms, they can save time in going about the said dilemma every morning. Instantly, they have something to wear everyday without the worries if their peers or classmates would notice if they wear the same clothes at frequent intervals. Some argue that requiring school uniforms may be burdensome for low-income families since even school uniforms are acquired at a cost. But then this argument can be countered by the fact that school uniforms are still relatively more affordable that most clothes bought in malls, particularly the branded ones. Moreover, students whose parents could not afford trendy clothing or designer wear would be saved from embarrassment, especially at the adolescent stage where looking good is an important factor for social acceptance. Safety of Students With the advent of gang-related clothing such as loose-fitting clothing style, public school officials have related these trends with the aggravation of school violence. This is because baggy clothing style characterized by oversized shirts and pants may be one of the ways by which students or gang members bring in weapons and drugs to school concealed in their clothes. Moreover, gang members, who may dress in the same way as regular students, easily gain access in public schools by mixing with the school crowd. These increase the incidence of violence in public schools and make both parents and students be troubled about safety. To address the rising incidence of school violence, public school officials have considered implementing the policy on school uniforms so that public school students would become more easily identified and screened. School security officials may disallow entry of those who are not in school uniform. As such non-students and outsiders would be able to access the school premises and adversely influence students by distributing deadly weapons or illegal drugs. Such would also help prevent school violence. This does not mean though that this would be the only security measure undertaken by school officials. In

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Walmart Undergoing Change Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Walmart Undergoing Change - Case Study Example It is expected that this change will greatly improve the performance and the competitive advantage of the company in the business environment. The needs of employees are often met by the leadership of a company or organization. The needs of employees within Wal-Mart’s different functional areas will therefore be met under a unified team of leaders. There are diverse needs among employees such as effective compensation, benefits, good working environment and suitable working hours. These needs would be affected by the new leadership structure. For example the needs of employees within the Logistics function are likely to be different from those within the Real Estate function. In order for these change to be effective, it is therefore necessary for the company leadership to effectively communicate with employees and understand their needs so that an effective plan for meeting them would be implemented (Vakola & Nikolaou, 2009). Since the organizational change at Wal-Mart is aimed at improving the service delivery to the customers, it is evident that the company is likely to recruit new employees to ensure that this objective is achieved effectively. The management of organizational change includes meeting the training needs of new employees (Tsoukas & Chia, 2008). This means that the new leadership team within Wal-Mart will be responsible for developing a training program in which the skills and knowledge of new employees on the job will be effectively attained. In the selection of new employees, the company must adhere to the recruitment policies within its policy notebook. This means that the required level of education, experience, skills or knowledge for the various functional areas of the company must be exhibited by the new employees. The recruitment process must also ensure that the new employees will add more value to the company through promoting its productivity and making it more competitive in its market. Since the systems and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Employee Privacy Rights in the Workplace Essay

Employee Privacy Rights in the Workplace - Essay Example The employees, caught in the middle, depend on references to find gainful employment, but may jeopardize their eligibility if a reference portrays them in a negative light. The wider community (consumers, families, friends and acquaintances of employers and employees) may be equally affected when full disclosure does, and does not, occur. It is contended in this paper that it is vital that standardized national laws should be developed to protect past and future employers, the employees themselves, as well as the communities they work within. Firstly, the growing trend of litigation against former employers will be presented. Secondly, the laws across the states will be outlined in regards to former employer's disclosure of ex-employee information. Thirdly, reasons to standardize the laws will be provided. Finally, a conclusion shall synthesize the main points of the paper, and provide support for the adoption of a standardized national employment and labor policy in regards to termination disclosure. It is becoming more common for employees to ask their former employers for a written reason for their termination of employment, as well as a copy of their personnel record (Boisvert, 1999). It has been suggested that for previous employers, such a request is a cause for concern, as it is often a clear indication of discontent on behalf of the employee, and likely that the employee has consulted with a lawyer and is considering a lawsuit. As such, it is recommended to employers to assume they may be as risk of being sued, and to seek advice from their attorney immediately (Boisvert, 1999). When an employer terminates an employee they must be aware of the risk of being presented with a lawsuit, and have risk management policies in place to minimize such an event from occurring. The process of providing a reference for the employee will play a large part in determining if the employee can make a legal claim (Boisvert, 1999). For this reason, there has been an increasing tendency for e mployers not to provide comprehensive details of a former employees work practices. Many employers are heeding their lawyer's advice to tailor references to provide a neutral profile of the employee. In general, this involves confirming the employee's position, dates of employment and salary (Boisvert, 1999).There are numerous areas of potential liability for the former employer when providing a reference (Lovett & Potter, 2004). Most notably, is the risk of being sued for defamation or invasion of privacy. There is also the risk of liability for retaliation, such as when management takes revenge on an employee for a past non-compliance within the organization. Another liability risk is that of 'compelled self-publication' which occurs when an employee must repeat what they perceive to be false allegations as their reason from termination, so that the future employer does not hear it first from a previous employer (Lovett & Potter, 2004). In general, employers should implement polic y for the response to requests of a written reference, or for requests of information from future employers (Boisvert, 1999). It is recommended that such a policy prohibit employees from disseminating information about their co-workers, and that the policy direct all inquiries for information

Friday, November 15, 2019

Construction Of Real Numbers

Construction Of Real Numbers All mathematicians know (or think they know) all about the real numbers. However usually we just accept the real numbers as being there rather than considering precisely what they are. In this project I will attempts to answer that question. We shall begin with positive integers and then successively construct the rational and finally the real numbers. Also showing how real numbers satisfy the axiom of the upper bound, whilst rational numbers do not. This shows that all real numbers converge towards the Cauchys sequence. 1 Introduction What is real analysis; real analysis is a field in mathematics which is applied in many areas including number theory, probability theory. All mathematicians know (or think they know) all about the real numbers. However usually we just accept the real numbers as being there rather than considering precisely what they are. The aim of this study is to analyse number theory to show the difference between real numbers and rational numbers. Developments in calculus were mainly made in the seventeenth and eighteenth century. Examples from the literature can be given such as the proof that Ï€ cannot be rational by Lambert, 1971. During the development of calculus in the seventeenth century the entire set of real numbers were used without having them defined clearly. The first person to release a definition on real numbers was Georg Cantor in 1871. In 1874 Georg Cantor revealed that the set of all real numbers are uncountable infinite but the set of all algebraic numbers are countable infinite. As you can see, real analysis is a somewhat theoretical field that is closely related to mathematical concepts used in most branches of economics such as calculus and probability theory. The concept that I have talked about in my project are the real number system. 2 Definitions Natural numbers Natural numbers are the fundamental numbers which we use to count. We can add and multiply two natural numbers and the result would be another natural number, these operations obey various rules. (Stirling, p.2, 1997) Rational numbers Rational numbers consists of all numbers of the form a/b where a and b are integers and that b ≠  0, rational numbers are usually called fractions. The use of rational numbers permits us to solve equations. For example; a + b = c, ad = e, for a where b, c, d, e are all rational numbers and a ≠  0. Operations of subtraction and division (with non zero divisor) are possible with all rational numbers. (Stirling, p.2, 1997) Real numbers Real numbers can also be called irrational numbers as they are not rational numbers like pi, square root of 2, e (the base of natural log). Real numbers can be given by an infinite number of decimals; real numbers are used to measure continuous quantities. There are two basic properties that are involved with real numbers ordered fields and least upper bounds. Ordered fields say that real numbers comprises a field with addition, multiplication and division by non zero number. For the least upper bound if a non empty set of real numbers has an upper bound then it is called least upper bound. Sequences A Sequence is a set of numbers arranged in a particular order so that we know which number is first, second, third etc and that at any positive natural number at n; we know that the number will be in nth place. If a sequence has a function, a, then we can denote the nth term by an. A sequence is commonly denoted by a1, a2, a3, a4†¦ this entire sequences can be written as or (an). You can use any letter to denote the sequence like x, y, z etc. so giving (xn), (yn), (zn) as sequences We can also make subsequence from sequences, so if we say that (bn) is a subsequence of (an) if for each n∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ we get; bn = ax for some x ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ and bn+1 = by for some y ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ and x > y. We can alternatively imagine a subsequence of a sequence being a sequence that has had terms missing from the original sequence for example we can say that a2, a4 is a subsequence if a1, a2, a3, a4. A sequence is increasing if an+1 ≠¥ an ∀ n ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã¢â‚¬ ¢. Correspondingly, a sequence is decreasing if an+1 ≠¤ an ∀ n ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã¢â‚¬ ¢. If the sequence is either increasing or decreasing it is called a monotone sequence. There are several different types of sequences such as Cauchy sequence, convergent sequence, monotonic sequence, Fibonacci sequence, look and see sequence. I will be talking about only 2 of the sequences Cauchy and Convergent sequences. Convergent sequences A sequence (an) of real number is called a convergent sequences if an tends to a finite limit as n→∞. If we say that (an) has a limit a∈ F if given any ÃŽ µ > 0, ÃŽ µ ∈ F, k∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ | an a | < ÃŽ µ n ≠¥ k If an has a limit a, then we can write it as liman = a or (an) → a. Cauchy Sequence A Cauchy sequence is a sequence in which numbers become closer to each other as the sequence progresses. If we say that (an) is a Cauchy sequence if given any ÃŽ µ > 0, ÃŽ µ ∈ F, k∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ | an am | < ÃŽ µ n,m ≠¥ k. Gary Sng Chee Hien, (2001). Bounded sets, Upper Bounds, Least Upper Bounds A set is called bounded if there is a certain sense of finite size. A set R of real numbers is called bounded of there is a real number Q such that Q ≠¥ r for all r in R. the number M is called the upper bound of R. A set is bounded if it has both upper and lower bounds. This is extendable to subsets of any partially ordered set. A subset Q of a partially ordered set R is called bounded above. If there is an element of Q ≠¥ r for all r in R, the element Q is called an upper bound of R 3 Real number system Natural Numbers Natural numbers (à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã¢â‚¬ ¢) can be denoted by 1,2,3†¦ we can define them by their properties in order of relation. So if we consider a set S, if the relation is less than or equal to on S For every x, y ∈ S x ≠¤ y and/or y ≠¤ x If x ≠¤ y and y ≠¤ x then x = y If x ≠¤ y and y ≠¤ z then x ≠¤ z If all 3 properties are met we can call S an ordered set. (Giles, p.1, 1972) Real numbers Axioms for real numbers can be spilt in to 3 groups; algebraic, order and completeness. Algebraic Axioms For all x, y ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ , x + y ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚  and xy ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ . For all x, y, z ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ , (x + y) + z = x (y + z). For all x, y ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ , x + y = y + x. There is a number 0 ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚  such that x + 0 = x = 0 + x for all x ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ . For each x ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ , there exists a corresponding number (-x) ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚  such that x + (-x) = 0 = (-x) + x For all x, y, z ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ , (x y) z = x (y z). For all x, y ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚  x y = y x. There is number 1 ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚  such that x x 1 = x = 1 x x, for all x ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚  For each x ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚  such that x ≠  0, there is a corresponding number (x-1) ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚  such that x (x-1) = 1 = (x-1) x A10. For all x, y, z ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ , x (y + z) = x y + x z (Hart, p.11, 2001) Order Axioms Any pair x, y of real numbers satisfies precisely one of the following relations: (a) x < y; (b) x = y; (c) y < x. If x < y and y < z then x < z. If x < y then x + z < y +z. If x < y and z > 0 then x z < y z (Hart, p.12, 2001) Completeness Axiom If a non-empty set A has an upper bound, it has a least upper bound The thing which distinguishes à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚  from is the Completeness Axiom. An upper bound of a non-empty subset A of R is an element b ∈R with b a for all a ∈A. An element M ∈ R is a least upper bound or supremum of A if M is an upper bound of A and if b is an upper bound of A then b M. That is, if M is a least upper bound of A then (b ∈ R)(x ∈ A)(b x) b M A lower bound of a non-empty subset A of R is an element d ∈ R with d a for all a ∈A. An element m ∈ R is a greatest lower bound or infimum of A if m is a lower bound of A and if d is an upper bound of A then m d. If all 3 axioms are satisfied it is called a complete ordered field. John oConnor (2002) axioms of real numbers Rational numbers Axioms for Rational numbers The axiom of rational numbers operate with +, x and the relation ≠¤, they can be defined on corresponding to what we know on N. For on +(add) has the following properties. For every x,y ∈ , there is a unique element x + y ∈ For every x,y ∈ , x + y = y + x For every x,y,z ∈ , (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) There exists a unique element 0 ∈ such that x + 0 = x for all x ∈ To every x ∈ there exists a unique element (-x) ∈ such that x + (-x) = 0 For on x(multiplication) has the following properties. To every x,y ∈ , there is a unique element x x y ∈ For every x,y ∈ , x x y = y x x For every x,y,z ∈ , (x x y) x z = x x (y x z) There exists a unique element 1 ∈ such that x x 1 = x for all x ∈ To every x ∈ , x ≠  0 there exists a unique element ∈ such that x x = 1 For both add and multiplication properties there is a closer, commutative, associative, identity and inverse on + and x, both properties can be related by. For every x,y,z ∈ , x x (y + z) = (x x y) + (x x z) For with an order relation of ≠¤, the relation property is a. we can claim that < b. if not then since < a and > b we would have > b a. John OConnor (2002) axioms of real numbers Theorem: The limit of a sequence, if it exists, is unique. Proof Let x and x†² be 2 different limits. We may assume without loss of generality, that x < x†². In particular, take ÃŽ µ = (x†² x)/2 > 0. Since xn→ x, k1 s.t | xn x | < n ≠¥ k1 Since xn→ x k2 s.t | xn x†²| < ÃŽ µ n ≠¥ k2 Take k = max{k1, k2}. Then n ≠¥ k, | xn x | < ÃŽ µ, | xn x†²| < ÃŽ µ | x†² x | = | x†² xn + xn x | ≠¤ | x†² xn | + | xn x | < ÃŽ µ + ÃŽ µ = x†² x, a contradiction! Hence, the limit must be unique. Also all rational number sequences have a limit in real numbers. Gary Sng Chee Hien, (2001). Theorem: Any convergent sequence is bounded. Proof Suppose the sequence (an) ®a. take = 1. Then choose N so that whatever n > N we have an within 1 of a. apart from the finite set {a1, a2, a3†¦aN} all the terms of the sequence will be bounded by a + 1 and a 1. Showing that an upper bound for the sequence is max{a1, a2, a3†¦aN, a +1}. Using the same method you could alternatively find the lower bound Theorem: Every Cauchy Sequence is bounded. Proof Let (xn) be a Cauchy sequence. Then for | xn xm | < 1 n, m ≠¥ k. Hence, for n ≠¥ k, we have | xn | = | xn xk + xk | ≠¤ | xn xk | + | xk | < 1 + | xk | Let M = max{ | x1 |, | x2 |, , | xk-1|, 1 + | xk | } and it is clear that | xn | ≠¤ M n, i.e. (xn) is bounded. Gary Sng Chee Hien, (2001). Theorem: If (xnx, then any subsequence of (xn) also converges to x. Proof Let (yn) be any subsequence of (xn). Given any > 0, s.t | xn x | < n ≠¥ N. But yn = xi for some so we may claim | yn x | < also. Hence, ( Gary Sng Chee Hien, (2001). Theorem: If (xn) is Cauchy, then any subsequence of (xn) is also Cauchy. Proof Let (yn) be any subsequence of (xn). Given any s.t | xn xm | . But yn = xi for so we may claim | yn ym | Hence (yn) x Gary Sng Chee Hien, (2001). Theorem Any convergent sequence is a Cauchy sequence. Proof If (an) a then given > 0 choose N so that if n > N we have |an- a| < . Then if m, n > N we have |am- an| = |(am- a) (am- a)| |am- a| + |am- a| < 2. We use completeness Axiom to prove Suppose X ∈ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ , X2 = 2. Let (an) be a sequence of rational numbers converging to an irrational 12 = 1 1.52 = 2.25 1.42 = 1.96 1.412 = 1.9881 1.41421356237302 = 1.999999999999731161391129 Since (an) is a convergent sequence in à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚  it is a Cauchy sequence in à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚  and hence also a Cauchy sequence in . But it has no limit in. An irrational number like 2 has a decimal expansion which does not repeat: 2 =1.4142135623730 John OConnor (2002) Cauchy Sequences. Theorem Prove that is irrational, prove that ≠¤ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚  Proof We will get 2 as the least upper bound of the set A = {q Q | q2 < 2}. We know that a is bounded above and so its least upper bound b does not exists. Suppose x ∈ , x2 0 be given. Then k1, k2 s.t | xn xm | < ÃŽ µ/(2Y) n, m ≠¥ k1 | yn ym | < ÃŽ µ/(2X) n, m ≠¥ k2 Take k = max(k1, k2). Then | xn xm | < ÃŽ µ/(2Y) | yn ym | < ÃŽ µ/(2X) n, m ≠¥ k Hence, | xn yn xm ym | = | (xn yn xm yn) + (xm yn xm ym) | ≠¤ | xn yn xm yn | + | xm yn xm ym | = | yn | | xn xm | + | xm | | yn ym | ≠¤ Y | xn xm | + X | yn ym | < Y(ÃŽ µ/(2Y)) + X(ÃŽ µ/(2X)) n, m ≠¥ k = Hence, (xn yn) is also Cauchy. 5 Conclusion Real numbers are infinite number of decimals used to measure continuous quantities. On the other hand, rational numbers are defined to be fractions formed from real numbers. Axioms of each number system are examined to determine the difference between real numbers and rational numbers. Conclusion of the analysis of axioms resulted to be both real numbers and rational numbers contain the same properties. The properties being addition, multiplication and there exist a relationship of zero and one. The four fundamental results are obtained from this study. First concept is that the property of real number system being unique and following the complete ordered field. Second is that if any real number satisfies the axioms then it is upper bound, whilst rational numbers are not upper bound. The third being that all Cauchy sequences are converges towards the real numbers. Finally found out that all real numbers are equivalence classes of the Cauchy sequence. Appendices List of symbols à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ = Natural number à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚  = Real number = Rational number ∈ = is an element of = There exists = For all s.t. = Such that

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Lyric Analysis

Kayla Keeney English 131 Ms. Jones 20 Feb. 2013 â€Å"Not Ready To Make Nice† Rhetorical Analysis â€Å"Not Ready To Make Nice,† a song released in 2006 by the Dixie Chicks is a controversial song written after Natalie Maines commented that she was â€Å"ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas† (Tyrangie), in between songs at a concert in Britain in 2003. The comment resulted in The Dixie Chicks being dropped from playlists at many radio stations across the south (Tyrangie). This song is about how Maines is not willing to forgive all of the negative remarks and actions made towards the band, some which include death threats.One rhetorical tool used by the Dixie Chicks is pathos. The first verse, â€Å"Forgive sounds good/ Forget I’m not sure I could/ They say time heals everything/but I’m still waiting,†opens the song showing forgiveness, anger and sadness (Dixie Chicks). They are letting it be known that they would like to f orgive all of the people that have hurt Natalie, and the rest of the band, due to her comment, but some of the actions taken towards them were so extreme that they are not sure that they could ever forget them.The next verse includes the lines â€Å"I’m through with doubt/There’s nothing left for me to figure out/ I’ve paid a price and I’ll keep paying† (Dixie Chicks). When this, and the lines â€Å"It turned my whole world around and I kind of like it† are sung, Maines is making it clear that she does not have any regret about her comment towards President Bush and she is done doubting herself because of it. She is letting it be known that she may have had to pay a price of the Dixie Chicks music no longer being on the radio, but she is no longer going to doubt herself or regret her comment because she is entitled to freedom of speech.This brings a bitter sweet emotion into play, because she realizes many other people probably feel the same way; she just voiced her opinion publicly and is not ashamed of it. Pathos is used in that verse when she is talking about the price they will keep paying. Music is their career and it got taken away by one band member’s comment. That verse brings heartbreak to not only the song, but the band members who are so passionate about their music and career choice, along with the listeners that loved the Dixie Chicks music. Joy and peace is brought into the song when â€Å"I made my bed and I sleep like a baby. With no regrets†¦ † is said.Natalie is saying she is content with what she said and all the trouble she got herself and her band into. She has no regrets. â€Å"It’s a sad, sad story when a mother will teach her daughter that she ought to hate a perfect stranger, and how in the world can the words that I said send somebody so over the edge that they’d write me a letter sayin’ that I better shut up and sing or my life will be over† (Dix ie Chicks), brings a confused emotion. In the song when this verse is sung, it sounds like Natalie is going on a rant about how sad our world is today, and an angry tone of voice is used to really show her anger about the situation.She sounds scared, sad, and mad all at the same time. She is confused at society. All of the pathos used already throughout the song, bittersweet, heart break, joy, peace, and confused, is revisited again in the chorus, which states â€Å"I’m not ready to make nice/ I’m not ready to back down/ I’m still mad as hell and I don’t have time to go round and round and round/ It’s too late to make it right/ I probably wouldn’t if I could/ ‘cause I’m mad as hell can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should† (Dixie Chicks).Ethos is also a rhetorical tool the Dixie Chicks used throughout the song. The Dixie Chicks have credibility writing and singing this song, because it goes a long wit h a life event of theirs. If another singer or band would have published â€Å"Not Ready To Make Nice,† it would not have had as much meaning or emotion, and it would not have been expressed as it was by Maines, unless they had a similar experience. After Maines was asked if she was sorry about her London comments, she said no and responded with â€Å"Sorry about what? Sorry about what?Sorry about not wanting to go to war? And not wanting people to die? â€Å"(Schorn) Many people felt the same way as Natalie Maines did, but did not voice their opinion in such a way as she did. She has every right to do so though. It is common for people to not like the idea of going to war. Americans have the right of freedom of speech, in other words, â€Å"the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint. † Natalie Maines should be able to voice her opinion as she pleases, due to the first amendment, which brings logos into play.Maines Logos in â€Å"Not Ready To Make Nice† includes the comment itself, that was made and freedom of speech. Since the first amendment exists the Dixie Chicks should not have been punished like they were. Knowledge about the comment, and some background about the Dixie Chicks lives afterwards, is needed to make sense of the song and the meaning behind it. After finding out about the death threats made towards the band, and the banning of their songs on the radio, there is more of an understanding as to why there is so much pathos throughout.It is logical to think that the Dixie Chicks wrote this song as feedback towards country music listeners and southerners, to voice how they feel about the actions done towards them; it is their way of expressing their feelings publically a couple of years later. Through pathos, ethos, and logos, the Dixie Chicks are able to speak out publically to let the world know how Maines’ comment has affected them. Though Maines states she does not regret what she said, she m akes it clear that her life has changed forever, along with the Emily and Martie’s, the other band members.This song is a way for Maines to stand behind her comment and to stand up to President Bush. Behind the words is passion. The Dixie Chicks are passionate about the meaning they are trying to get across to listeners. They want listeners to feel what this song means to them and they want us to feel their emotions that they have poured into writing this song. â€Å"Not Ready To Make Nice† is a way for them to show courage, by telling the world they are at peace with what was said back in 2003. Works CitedChicks, Dixie. â€Å"Not Ready To Make Nice. † Cowboy Lyrics. cowboylyrics. com. Web. 19 Mar 2013. . â€Å"freedom of speech. † Dictionary. com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 19 Mar. 2013. . Schorn, Daniel . â€Å"Dixie Chicks: Not Ready to Make Nice. † http://www. cbsnews. com/8301-18560_162-1611424. html. CBS, 11 February 2009.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Alcuin and Charlemagne

Charlemagne was the king of the Franks from 768 to 814. He was known to be the most powerful Christian ruler and brought success to his country. Charlemagne was well educated and good looking. His strong voice allowed him to express what he had to say in a very eloquent manner. He was most famous for doubling the territory that his father had previously conquered. With his determination and persistence, Charlemagne became one of the most dignified rulers of the early middle ages. Charlemagnes determination allowed him to expand his empire.He undertook 54 military campaigns during his rule. He also lead his armies into Italy to conquer the Lombard State. His army also invaded the land of the Bavarians and took them under control. During his rule, Charlemagne insisted the Saxons convert to Christianity and soon took them over. In turn, adding more land to the growing Carolingian empire. (Speilvogel p. 138) An interesting characteristic of Charlemagne was his strong desire to learn. He studied foreign languages such as Latin and Greek. He learned from excellent scholars such as Peter of Pisa and Alcuin of York.Charlemagne established a palace school and encouraged other scholars from across Europe to come to the Carolingian court. He focused learning about liberal arts also took lessons in grammar. Charlemagnes love of learning inspired others to obtain educations and maintained the intellectual life of the Catholic church. (Speilvogel p140-141) (Einhard: Life of Charlemagne) Not only was Charlemagne good at conquering land but he also did very well at governing the land he conquered. He was a clever ruler and knew he had to keep the nobles in his service.To do this he granted part of the royal lands as lifetime holdings to nobles who assisted him. Charlemagne also knew that he could not let the counts gain more power then him. To hold more control over his kingdom, Charlemagne required counts to serve outside their own family lands. He also sent out â€Å"messen gers of the lord king† to check on the counts and make sure they were following the kings demands. One last thing that Charlemagne realized was the valuable assistance that the Catholic church could provide for him. He decided to create new bishoprics and archbishoprics while restoring old ones. Speilvogel p. 138-139) Charlemagne made many accomplishments during his rule. His first and biggest accomplishment was increasing the Frank Kingdom. His territory stretched over the majority of Europe. Charlemagne was able to subdue the barbarous tribes in Germany which was something other Kings could not accomplish. He also made good relationships with emperors of Constantinople. Being a devote Christian, Charlemagne built the beautiful church at Aix-la-Chapelle. Finally, Charlemagne took care of the poor in his country and sent money to the poor in other countries. (Speilvogel p. 139)As you can see, Charlemagne had many characteristics of a successful ruler. He was determine expand h is empire and he did. He also was good at governing his people. Charlemagne was very well educated and it showed through when whenever he spoke with eloquence. Also, Charlemagne was able to make constant accomplishments such as working on the Church reform, taking care of the poor, and building good relationships with other countries. Charlemagne was so respected that even the Pope called upon him to help during the Roman rebellion. All of these things are what made Charlemagne one of the greatest Kings of all time.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The fastest growing jobs and industries through 2023

The fastest growing jobs and industries through 2023 Even in a good economy, with significant job growth and high employment, there are shifts that favor some industries over others. According to a recent Careerbuilder study, this means good news and bad news for the U.S. job scene between now and 2023. First, the bad news: middle-wage jobs (like customer service representatives, maintenance workers, construction workers, or truck drivers, for some examples) are not expected to keep pace with high-wage jobs (like nurses, accountants, and IT specialists) and low-wage jobs (like home health aides, retail sales, and receptionists), which are both poised for serious growth. The study identified 121 jobs that will decline in growth between 2018 and 2023, and 75 of those jobs were considered middle-wage.But now the good news: these high- and low-wage fields are about to experience significant growth, meaning millions of job openings- approximately 8 million by 2023. Let’s look at some of the industries in the study, divided by high-, mid-, and low-wage job types.Fastest growing jobs   Fast-Growing Occupations By Wage Category Jobs Added, 2018-2023 % Change, 2018-2023 Median Hourly Pay High-Wage Registered Nurses 255,047 8.39% $33.55 Software Developers, Applications 143,466 15.57% $48.49 Postsecondary Teachers 110,955 7.25% $33.53 Accountants and Auditors 86,079 6.02% $32.33 Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists 83,187 12.60% $30.21 Computer User Support Specialists 54,044 7.48% $24.16 Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters 43,625 8.58% $23.72 Middle-Wage Customer Service Representatives 120,673 4.21% $15.88 Medical Assistants 102,274 14.51% $15.62 Construction Laborers 92,182 6.56% $14.73 Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 83,931 5.41% $18.08 Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses 55,345 7.34% $21.56 Light Truck or Delivery Service Drivers 48,837 5.12% $15.04 Billing and Posting Clerks 44,283 8.59% $17.85 Low-Wage Home Health Aides 207,732 22.42% $11.17 Waiters and Waitresses 146 ,281 5.49% $10.01 Retail Salespersons 108,229 2.37% $11.29 Cooks, Restaurant 100,664 7.46% $12.06 Nursing Assistants 96,384 6.33% $13.23 Security Guards 61,964 5.12% $12.97 Receptionists and Information Clerks 69,461 6.29% $13.70Trends in hiring over the next 5 yearsIf you’re in a field that’s expected to decline, this news can be dismaying for your career outlook. However, it’s also a great time to take stock of your career goals and your near future, and decide whether you’re able to adapt your skills to be more industry-flexible, or whether you’d like to change careers altogether to maximize your job potential.HealthcareHealthcare is one of the fields that is exploding now, and is likely to continue growing at a very fast pace for the foreseeable future.The healthcare field is popular because with a growing population (especially one that skews older and more in need of medical care), the need will continue to grow. But healthcare is also one of the most innovative fields, with digital equipment and recordkeeping requiring ever more tech-literate employees.TechnologyAs everything becomes more technology-focused, more and more companies will need dedicated tech teams and services to provide the digital infrastructure necessary to do business. People with IT expertise and skills will find themselves in demand in many different fields and companies. Having a flexible skill set that’s technologically advanced can help guarantee a spot in the digital jobs boom over the next several years.Data AnalysisEverything comes down to data these days, from marketing and customer service to accounting and financial data. This is also an area where a strong set of analytical and problem-solving skills can be applied across different industries, in different roles.Basically, the professional future is flexibility- if you’re willing to develop future-facing skills to go along with your education and experience base.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Prepositional Phrases Sentence Building Exercise

Prepositional Phrases Sentence Building Exercise In this exercise, you will continue to apply the basic strategies outlined in Introduction to Sentence Combining.  Combine the sentences in each set into a single clear sentence containing at least one prepositional phrase. Omit words that are needlessly repeated, but dont leave out any important details.   After you have completed the exercise, compare your new sentences with the original sentences on page two. Keep in mind that many combinations are possible, and in some cases, you may prefer your own sentences to the original versions. A mouse darted.It darted across the salad bar.This happened during the luncheon.We traveled this summer.We traveled by train.We traveled from Biloxi.We traveled to Dubuque.The convertible swerved, crashed, and caromed.It swerved off the road.It crashed through the guardrail.It caromed off a maple tree.Mick planted seeds.He planted them in his garden.He did this after the quarrel.The quarrel was with Mr. Jimmy.Grandpa dropped his teeth.His teeth were false.His teeth dropped into a glass.There was prune juice in the glass.Lucy played.She was behind the sofa.She was with her friend.Her friend was imaginary.They played for hours.There was a man.He wore a chicken costume.He dashed across the field.He did this before the ballgame.The ballgame was on Sunday afternoon.A man stood, looking down.He stood upon a railroad bridge.The bridge was in northern Alabama.He was looking down into the water.The water was twenty feet below.The water was swift.The gray-flannel fog closed off the Salinas Val ley.It was the fog of winter.The fog was high.The Salinas Valley was closed off from the sky.And the Salinas Valley was closed off from all the rest of the world. I climbed to my perch.I did this one night.The night was hot.The night was in the summer.The night was in 1949.It was my usual perch.My perch was in the press box.The press box was cramped.The press box was above the stands.The stands were wooden.These were the stands of the baseball park.The baseball park was in Lumberton, North Carolina. After you have completed the sentence building  exercise on  page one, compare your new sentences with the sample combinations below. Keep in mind that many combinations are possible, and in some  cases, you may prefer your own sentences to the original versions. Sample Combinations During the luncheon, a mouse darted across the salad bar.This summer we traveled by train from Biloxi to Dubuque.The convertible swerved off the road, crashed through the guardrail, and caromed off a maple tree.After his quarrel with Mr. Jimmy, Mick planted seeds in his garden.Grandpa dropped his false teeth into a glass of prune juice.Lucy played  behind  the couch for hours with her imaginary friend.Before the ballgame on Sunday afternoon, a man in a chicken costume dashed across the field.A man stood upon a railroad bridge in northern Alabama, looking down into the swift waters twenty feet below.​  (Ambrose Bierce, An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge)The high gray-flannel fog of winter closed off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from all the rest of the world. (John Steinbeck, The Chrysanthemums)One hot night in the summer of 1949, I climbed to my usual perch in the cramped press box above the wooden stands of the baseball park in Lumberton, North Carolina.  (Tom W icker, Baseball)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Excutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Excutions - Essay Example Keeping in view this social condition, the sociologists try to explore crime, crime control and the administration of criminal justice from the point of social constructionism. They view 'crime' and 'criminals' a product of social and political interests and where besides other, the most dominating factor are class, race and gender. They also take into consideration the historical and contemporary practices of criminal justice which is shaped and experienced by the racial and ethnic minorities and majorities, the rich and poor and by men and women, so as to help us understand the numerous social realities of justice in the United States; as this essay will try to examine the pattern of execution based on race, gender and class. The study of social inequalities has always been the central focus of sociologists. They are not only interested in issues related to race/ethnicity, gender and class but also the intersections of these dimensions by employing a wide variety of methods from the ethnographic fieldwork and in-depth interviews to multilevel social and networks methods and statistical models. According to The ABA Kennedy Commission Report (June 23, 2004), the United States puts more people behind bars than any other country in the world and needs to eradicate the disproportionate impact 'tough on crime' laws it has for minorities. This is not because of higher criminal behavior among blacks, but because as compared to non-whites, they are more likely to be imprisoned especially as drug users. Though white drug dealers outnumber the black ones but 86.8% of those imprisoned for drug charges are blacks. In the 1980s, the media talked about drug-addicted mothers, perpetuating the racial stereotypes of African American women who trading sex for drugs rather than a white middle class woman snorting the more expensive cocaine powder. While the poor black pregnant women became targets of the criminal justice system, the middle and the upper class women escaped scrutiny of the criminal justice agents into the private facilities of detoxification. Similarly, most studies on crime take a narrow approach to the subject by treating a crime as simply a violation of legalized social norm that carries a penal sanction. The figure among black males was 3,405. Much of the history of sentencing reform both in capital and non-capital punishment has been influenced by implicit concerns about racial disparities and discriminatory decision making in the criminal justice system. In a study carried out to find whether the four delinquency theories, strain, social learning, low self-control and control theories could better explain juvenile offending in comparison to gender, race and class impact on delinquency. The findings suggested that the quantitative analysis is an effective tool for detecting intersectional differences resulting from gender, race and class to support feminist assertions that general theories are less universal than claimed by their proponents. Based on the unfair racial disparities in federal sentencing, a report released in 1984 by the United States Sentencing Commission confirmed, that the average federal prison sentence for black offenders was about five months longer than for whit es. By 2001, the average sentence

Friday, November 1, 2019

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 10

Strategic Management - Essay Example Positioning of the organisation through strategy, responding to real time issues through strategic management and managing the resistance offered by the competitors through systematic planning are some of the broader aims of strategic management (Ayanda, M., n.d.). There are a few key attributes that strategic management addresses. It helps the organisation to move towards its goal and achieve its objectives. It helps the stake holders to be a part of the decision making body. The need of incorporating short term and long term goals can be identified. It also helps in understanding the trade off between efficiency and effectiveness in order to achieve the goals of the organisation. Some theorist do believe that the traditional approach is the standard approach to strategic management however it can no longer cope up with the complexities of the new demands (Dess,, n.d). Brinkerhoff had a very simple way of defining strategic management. He defined strategic management as ‘looking out’, ‘looking in’ and ‘looking ahead’. According to Brinkerhoff looking out means, evaluating the environment in order to set organisational goals and also recognise the potential stakeholders. By looking in he means to identify the strengths that the firm possesses meaning the resources like finance and the man power. Looking ahead points out at formulating strategies and allocating resources to set targets and evaluate performance. Strategic management mainly consists of the following five factors. They are setting goals, analysing, strategy formation, strategy implementation and evaluating the strategy. These factors need continuous interaction and feedback between them (Susan. n.d.). The Balance Scorecard is an effective tool by which organisations can evaluate its performance which in turn helps to accomplish the vision.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Visitor Impacts on Public Parks Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Visitor Impacts on Public Parks - Research Paper Example This paper will look at the effects of uncontrolled continual streams of visitors to my local park and the solutions to the problems they cause while enjoying the privilege. Parking at our local park has become a nightmare due to limited zonal spots for everyone involved. In fact, the numbers of vehicles lined up at the gate of the park have become a nuisance as they are preventing access to the park itself and discouraging more people from gaining access. This is a menace as the image of the park is tainted since they are regarded as negligent in providing for the needs of the visitors. In addition, the cars pollute the environment, with the effects being carried over to the protected resources inside the park1. In my view, people should be made to leave their personal means of transport at home and the park should have the mandate of providing public transport to people at designated times and venues. Such a move will ensure that the number of visitors gaining access to the facilit y is controlled in any one time. While inside the park, it has become apparent that the standard of cleanliness is deteriorating each day as the visitors are trashing everywhere they go. Plastics are the order of the day not mentioning the unsightly array of leftover food at every footpath in the surrounding environment. Some of the caged animals can be seen munching on some of these foods which they may have been offered by the visitors or perhaps collected as they roamed freely in their habitats. Ingestion of these foods can be dangerous since of it may not blend in well with their natural diets. There have been cases of food poisoning reports at alarming rates for the last quarter of the year. The management should provide more employees to investigate into the matter while drawing a keen eye that would help identify the culprits. These visitors should be fined heavily for their acts and given restriction from gaining access to the park until deemed necessary2. Some sections of t he park do not access to public foot paths or bridges across water bodies. This has forced visitors to find their own way around thus they have resulted in a lot erosion of the ground and destruction of vegetation and leading to deterioration of the environment. Some of them have penetrated sensitive parts of the forest which have led to some animals strayed into areas of the park they are not supposed to. These animals can be dangerous to the general public making the park to be hazardous for visitors and could lead to closure of the park. Measures should be taken to ensure that a guard is placed at strategic positions in the park where they can prevent such destructions from taking place in the first place. In another instance, campsites have been devouring parts of the forest since some extreme campers have brought down trees to create room for their tents or just for the mere advantage of the experience. The fires that have been made are frightening the wild animals and eating a way at the vegetation that may have been growing for thousands of generations. The animals have disappeared into the heart of the forests and are not seen during day which has proved to be very disappointing to the visitors of the park. This has also led to loss of enthusiasm for the diehard animal lovers who come to the park with the sole intention of sighting the fascinating creatures. Poaching is another vice that has risen lately amongst the visitors.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Why I Selected a Career Path as a Special Education Teacher Essay Example for Free

Why I Selected a Career Path as a Special Education Teacher Essay A career in special education offers challenges and rewards, and plenty of opportunities for those interested in the field. Special education teachers have a wide range of choices which determine the specifics of their tasks. They have the choice of working with children of any age, from infancy through high school graduation, for instance. They might choose to work with physically challenged children, or they might choose to focus on children who are mentally or developmentally challenged. Special education teachers help children grow socially and emotionally as well as intellectually. They attend to the special needs of challenged children, and teach their students basic life skills suitable to their level of development and learning capability. Special education teachers require a special set of interpersonal skills. They must be patient, organized, motivating, positive, passionate, flexible, tolerant and compassionate. They must respect, even celebrate, differences among people. They must be assertive and resourceful enough to obtain the services their students need. They should be good at analyzing situations and solving problems, and they should have strong leadership qualities and a good sense of humor. As a special education teacher, I believe that it is of the utmost importance for our society to value and provide for those less capable, especially disabled children. I also believe that as an educator, I should provide a positive example from which others can follow and learn. Therefore, I will provide a small scale societal model in my classroom. If others observe that disabled children are capable and desirous of learning, they will have less fear of including and incorporating them into society on an everyday basis. In return, productive and happier people will reward our society. Through providing accommodations, resources and the means for disabled people to participate, fewer handicaps will develop which hinder both the disabled and society in general. Teaching is my passion, and I pursue it with a great deal of energy. I continuously look for ways to improve my teaching, through innovative materials and processes. I always ask my students for suggestions on how to improve the class, and every semester, I incorporate some of their suggestions. I want the students to view their learning experience in my class as something different, something that holds their interest and helps them to learn. I want them to look forward to the class, to come to class ready to learn.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Malcolm X :: essays research papers

The civil rights movement was a very grueling period in American history, this period promoted social and economic independence for blacks. In order to unite and to better spread the messages of the civil rights movement to other blacks throughout the country many black organizations choose leaders with powerful speaking skills to spread there messages. One of the most influential leaders of the civil rights movement was a young Muslim preacher by the name of Malcolm X. Malcolm Little was born on May 19, 1925, the son of Louise and Earl Little of Omaha, Nebraska. Louise Little was a mulatto born in Grenada in the British West Indies. And Earl Little was a Baptist minister and organizer for Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Association. Louise, his second wife, bore six children: Wilfred, Hilda, Philbert, Malcolm, Yvonne, and Reginald. Earl Little also had three children by a first wife: Ella, Earl, and Mary. Little had migrated with his family from Philadelphia to the midwe st, first to Milwaukee, then Omaha, and finally to East Lansing, Mich. In 1929 the family house was burned down, by white supremacists. After Earl Little died in 1931 in a streetcar accident, Malcolm's mother eventually had a mental breakdown and entered an inside asylum. The siblings were dispersed to other families. Malcolm lived with a foster family before moving to Roxbury, Mass., in 1941 to live with a half sister, Ella Collins. A few months after his arrival in Roxbury, a predominantly black section of Boston, Malcolm dropped out of school (having completed eight grade) and took a job as a shoeshine boy at the Roseland Ballroom in Boston's Back Bay section. A career as a hustler seemed a more tempting option, and he was soon selling narcotics. Roxbury proved to be too small for him, and in 1942 he took a job as a railroad dining-car porter, working out of Roxbury and Harlem. Settling in Harlem, he became involved in robbery, prostitution, and narcotics. After a year in Harlem Malcolm was officially initiated into hustler society. He returned to Boston in 1945 after a falling out with another hustler, and continued a life of crime, forming his own house robbing gang. He was arrested for robbery in February 1946, and was convicted and sentenced to prison for seven years. While in prison, Malcolm became a follower of Elijah Muhammad, the leader of a small, urban cult, the Nation of Islam, with branches in Detroit, Chicago, and New York.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

JetBlue Airways: Starting from Scratch Essay

Before David Neeleman’s non-compete agreement with Southwest Airlines expired, he envisioned the concept of starting a low-fare airline that would combine common sense, innovation, and technology and bring the humanity back into air travel (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). In 1998, JetBlue was born. In order for David to fulfill his goal of a â€Å"do-it-right† kind of airline, he needed to recruit superior industry veterans who were willing to start from scratch and place an emphasis on employees and customers. Each of these individuals, from the President, General Counsel, CFO, and the HR director, wanted to create an airline that was fun, had integrity, was safe, and cared for their employees, plus had a passion to get it right (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). When JetBlue hired Ann Rhoades away from Southwest Airlines, she brought with her, her experience on how to set up the rules and regulations that JetBlue would use to manage its personnel. During JetBlueâ€⠄¢s beginning operations, they relied upon five core values that were emblematic of the main characteristics of the company (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). These values included safety, caring, integrity, fun, and passion. Taking into consideration these five values, JetBlue used the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) acts to determine how, where, when, and which employees would join JetBlue as team members. In order for JetBlue to become successful, they needed to abide by the equal employment opportunity laws that formed a structured path that would enable the HR department to defend their decisions legally, if challenged. JetBlue started with high integrity standards and, to this day, continues to sustain these high standards (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). When hiring or dealing with personnel issues, some of the EEO acts that JetBlue references on a daily basis include the following: the Equal Pay Act of 1963, the 1972 amendment to that act, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, the Civil Rights Act of 1991, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, amended in 1978 and 1986,  the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1 990, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008, the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, the Uniform Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994, the Veterans Benefits Improvement Act of 2004, and the Occupational Safety & Health Act of 1970, amended January 1, 2004 (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). JetBlue’s main priority is the safety of its passengers and employees. In order for JetBlue to provide safety for all of its employees, they referenced the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA, 2001) guidelines for general duty that specifically state that the employer needs to provide a safe and healthy environment for the employees to work, free from loud noises, hazards, falling and sharp objects, and containing breathable air. These are a few areas of concern for JetBlue that relate to the well-being of their employees. In addition to the noted areas, their mechanics, ground crew and pilots have received continuous training on wearing ear protection when on the tarmac at the airport. This training also provides for the ground crew to place chocks under the wheels, florescent cones for the perimeters around the plane and information on other safety gear to prevent accidents. The ground crew needs to be able to read, write and be fluent in English in order to pr ocess all safety information regarding their jobs and other areas and peers who work for JetBlue. Mechanics also have strict safety guidelines that they need to adhere to when providing maintenance to the aircraft. The most important guideline is to ground the airplane, so no static electricity will build up and discharge, causing an explosion or damage to the electronics on the plane. Pilots also have a laptop that they do safety checks with on all the systems of the airplane before takeoff (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). JetBlue’s HR department tailored each job and its wage and benefit structure to meet the needs of the individual who was hired for a specific job. When the HR department analyzed industry-standard for wages and benefits, they saw a â€Å"one-size-fits-all† attitude toward industry employees, which did not meet their expectations or standards (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). JetBlue’s strategy was to listen to their employees, and by judging the reply from their employees to the questions, they set up a customized wage and benefits packag e for each employee, tailored just for him or her. By giving the  employees a choice, this allowed them to be part of the decision-making team and to fulfill a desire from the employee to be heard. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 played a significant role in JetBlue’s structuring of its wages and benefits. This act is to equalize pay between genders at the same location. There are a couple of exceptions. One exception is that different parts of the country have different wages and cost-of-living structures, which is taken into account when hiring, and the wages are adjusted accordingly. Also, within the structure of wages, JetBlue investigated all jobs within the industry and made sure that they paid above the pay grade of each job specification (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). When word spread throughout the industry that JetBlue was paying better than the other airlines, most positions had hundreds and sometimes thousands of applicants. When they offered part-time call center reservation help and paid a dollar more per hour than most agencies, their only ad for reservation help provided them with a waiting list of over 2500 applicants. Many people wanted to work for JetBlue, but many would be denied because they were not a perfect fit in regards to the five core values of JetBlue, and some new hires were even let go because they didn’t live up to the values set forth by JetBlue’s management team (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). The Fair Treatment for Experienced Pilots Act and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, Amended in 1978 and 19 86, are two acts that deal with age. The Fair Treatment for Experienced Pilots Act deals with the retirement age of pilots who fly commercially for all American airlines (Federal Aviation Administration [FAA], 2007). As stated in the act, pilots who fly domestic flights can fly until their 65th birthday. If they are international flight pilots, only one pilot can be up to 65 while the other flight crew member must be below 60 years of age. This law was enacted because so many pilots were reaching retirement age and new pilots were becoming scarce. Congress took it upon themselves to write the Fair Treatment for Experienced Pilots act so that pilots who were close to the retirement age of 60 years old could continue to fly for another five years. This was backed up by medical professionals who stated that there was only a slight risk in health issues by allowing these pilots to continue to fly five more years. JetBlue has instituted a program to train new pilots, making sure that their fleet is continuously running. In the next 10 years, there will be a deficit, about  85,000 airline pilots. JetBlue’s mission for their pilots is extensive training and providing safe and caring service. This act helps JetBlue retain some of their senior pilots and allows them to be diversified over a greater period of time (FAA, 2007). The best external recruitment tool that JetBlue used was selecting pilots who had a high degree of computer knowledge and also fit the conditions of the core values of JetBlue (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). A pilot who enjoys his job will tell his other pilot friends, who work for other airlines, about the benefits he received when hired at JetBlue. One of these benefits, was the paid training to learn to fly the Airbus A320, a $30,000 investment on the part of JetBlue to attract skilled and qualified pilots. Most people will not recommend someone unless they are going to be beneficial to the company. An employee does not want someone to tarnish his reputation with the company for referring a person who will not measure up. In the first year, after the hiring of pilots, they had to release 20 from JetBlue due to lack of living the core values (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). Most times it is a balancing act on who will actually be a good employee or not. On the one hand you have several pilots that conform to the mission of JetBlue and then you have a few bad apples that must be purged due to the fact they did not live up to each core value: safety, integrity, caring, fun and passion. The benefit to JetBlue are pilots who are willing to do a good job and understands that the ultimate goal is safety. Once a pilot loses his vision of the core values is when JetBlue and the pilot parts company. This could cause a few issues with keeping planes in the air if a majority of pilots were disgruntled with JetBlue (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). When JetBlue started to hire their Flight Attendants, the developed three distinct categories for them. One was for college students that only lasted for a year, to gi ve them some experience, fun and travel (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). Another was job-sharing, this scenario allowed two people to share a job and would allow them to balance both job and home life equally. Lastly, JetBlue offered regular full-time employment but with a twist. For Flight Attendants who worked less than 70 hours per month they would be paid a dollar more than industry standard, for those who worked more than 70 hours per month would be paid $30 per hour. JetBlue targeted colleges to recruit able bodied college students who were over 21, wanted to travel, have fun, and represented the company’s core values (Gittel &  O’Reilly, 2001). As far as the Flight Attendants, these jobs were just temporary type positions to only last between one and five years. The benefit of this position is what JetBlue would always be rotating new staff to keep the front line employees fresh but also the bad thing about this would be always constantly hiring for Flight Attendants (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). One of the best internal recruitment methods that JetBlue has available to itself is the employee database (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). This database allows manager s to see the capabilities and also who is qualified for the desired position. The employee database tracks many aspects of an employee’s career within the company such as how many days they were sick, on-time performance, over time, knowledge of the firm and its policies and procedures. Too many promotions from within results and a lack of creativity, this is why you need a balance of 80/20 of people you would promote from within. The 80% of employees would give you exceptional talent, along with 20% who would give you new ideas and the creativity to look outside the box (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). Another internal method of recruitment is a physical listing placed on a board in various areas of the company, for instance including a job advertisement on an employee break room bulletin board. One of the best external recruitment methods that JetBlue uses to hire new pilots is employee referrals. Many of the pilots who fly for JetBlue are satisfied and happy because the airline covers the extensive training to fly the A320. Most pilots who are refer red to JetBlue have extensive skills in computers and are comfortable with the laptop and are the best in the field. An employee would not want to refer somebody if they were a poor candidate and have that come back on them (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). Virtual job boards (such as Indeed, Hot Jobs, Monster, Career Builder) are another strong external recruitment method used by companies, as is social media, where companies have taken to looking for employees through forms of social media like Facebook and Linkedin. When JetBlue started to hire people they took into consideration the five core values as a guide to make sure that each employee was the right fit for the company (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). These core values were used as a template to judge people’s responses for desirable and undesirable behaviors. Pilots were asked to tell of an example where they were to describe a situation where a customer request went against company policy and the way that they  had resolved that issue. When mechanics were interviewed they were asked to think back when they work for another emp loyer where â€Å"integrity† was a factor in their job. One example, was a mechanic who is prepping the plane for an international flight notice that the compliance and safety of the plane was not to standards. Management pressured him to sign off, but ultimately he refused to comply with management’s request to authorize the flight, which delayed the flight. Management fired the mechanic for noncompliance. On the other hand, JetBlue hired this individual for his unwavering integrity (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). JetBlue’s goal was a diverse, selected and knowledgeable employee base that would ensure all applicants were the perfect fit before anyone was hired. People from all walks of life wanted to work for JetBlue, this included college students, the average Joe, housewives, professionals, and your everyday person looking for job (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). JetBlue’s interviewing criteria was lengthy with multiple interviews. All interviewers had to approve/sign off the job offer to each candidate that passed scrutiny. The main goal in making the potential employees go through this process was to find the employees that were â€Å"not just looking for a place to work† but an employee that wanted to be a part of a company that would recognize them as a person and not just a number. A happy and content employee is an employee who will go above and beyond t he call of duty and are more likely to stay and work for the company for years (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). Performance appraisal systems are to help managers/management evaluate how well work was carried out and how it measured up with regards to the corporate goals (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). These appraisals give the necessary feedback to managers in a concise way that measures the adaptability, judgment, appearance, and attitude of the employees, team members and/or groups being evaluated, this lends itself to identifying where the successes and gaps of the developed plan needs to be revised. This type of communication, if used properly, can enhance how each manager interacts with a subordinate and how the employee receives beneficial enhancement actions to better improve him/herself on how to achieve the company’s goals (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). When setting up the performance appraisal system, there are external and internal factors that can affect the appraisal process. Among these are federal regulations that specifically target nondiscriminatory actions. In one such case, a  company was ruled against, by a federal judge, because there was sufficient evidence that indicated the use of age bias and age-based policies throughout their performance appraisal against a protected age group. Organizations must avoid any appraisal systems that targets a protected group (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). Unions are often an external factor in performance appraisal systems. Most unions are set in tradition and stress seniority over any other basis for promotion or pay increase. Union can demand that a union member be promoted or given a pay increase just because he/she was there for so many months or years, not based on the idea that the person was doing his or her job and enhanced the company’s goals. Fortunately, JetBlue gave its employees the opportunity to voice their opinions and be heard, staving off a union formation (Mondy, 2012). Corporate culture is the greatest internal influence for a performance appraisal system. Many corporations find that if they want to attain employee engagement, they must give an employee a voice to effect change within their department or organization. JetBlue has this ability as they are constantly talking with their ground crew, flight attendants, pilots, and service personnel to get feedback on how well each employee in the company is doing to achieve its goal (Mondy, 2012). Many other factors that influence the evaluations of employees are as follows: 1. Leniency error – this is where the evaluator has his own set of values and rules that he assigns to set the standards by which the employee will be judged (Mondy, 2012). 2. Halo/horn error – this is where employees are judged myopically with enhanced performance reviews and horn is just the opposite, where they are judged with a negative performance review and not on their whole work performance (Mondy, 2012). 3. Similarity error – is when in an evaluator imprints his self onto the employees, ma king those employees seem like the evaluator (Mondy, 2012). 4. Low appraiser motivation – this is when an evaluator knows that this will harm the chances for the employee to receive a promotion, so they may give a false appraisal (Mondy, 2012). 5. Central tendency – this is where the evaluator gives medium appraisal’s to all employees and fails to recognize any with exceptional skills (Mondy, 2012). 6. Appraiser discomfort- this happens when a manager has difficulty in executing the appraisal system. Often times, this makes it stressful for him and the employee, and sometimes results in negative feelings toward the  company and manager from the employee’s perspective (Mondy, 2012). 7. Objectivity error – this is where an evaluator rates an employee by personal attributes, such as attitude, appearance, and personality and disregards other performance appraisal factors (Mondy, 2012). 8. Recent behavior bias – this is when an evaluator rates an employee’s behavior in the last couple weeks rather than throughout the year (Mondy, 2012). 9. Manipulation of the evaluation – evaluators control the appraisal system which allows for manipulation of said system (Mondy, 2012). When you take into account the above list of factors on a standard method of evaluation methods, there is more than one way a supervisor, manager or management can deem the employee worthless, berate him/her, praise, and/or not promote or give a raise. JetBlue has eliminated this by setting up a 360-degree feedback evaluation method, where it is not just one person’s responsibility to dictate who or when someone gets a raise, but rather, a group of the employee’s peers, supervisors, management, and sometimes, even customers give their feedback on how to give that person a helping hand, instead of beating them down with criticism (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). This system utilizes multiple methods of evaluation such as a rating scale, collaborative, 360 – degree assessment, critical incident, essay, work standards, ranking, forced distribution, behaviorally anchor rating scale, and results-based. These are a few methods that are used to determine how the employ ee integrates with the team. After all surveys or questionnaires are tabulated, they are presented to the appropriate manager or management team. The management team will go over the survey and isolate habits that have formed and put into place systems to enhance constructive ways to bring change to an individual in a positive manner. The purpose of this is to highlight the behaviors needing correction and praise areas that the employee excels in within the team atmosphere (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). Performance reviews of yesteryear were usually done by the supervisors in charge of the employees. Today, up to 90% of Fortune 500 companies use some sort of 360-degree feedback evaluation. JetBlue also uses an appraisal process called â€Å"the 320-degree process† which, reflects their fleet of A320 aircraft. JetBlue and other companies that use the 360-degree programs utilize the results for training, conventional applications, succession planning, and professional development (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). Eliminating or reducing errors in  the appraisal system was the goal for the 360 ° evaluation. This app raisal system provides a more unilateral assessment of a person’s character, integrity, adaptability, and performance. Also, shifting the evaluation from a manager to a whole group of peers allows for less errors as stated above and also giving the company a better chance of fighting a claim of unfairness, discrimination or any other legal issue that should arise because of an unhappy employee (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). The ultimate goal of the 360-degree evaluation method is to give the whole organization (i.e., employee, supervisor, management, customers, peers) a way to give a constructive critique for improvement (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). Another advantage to a 360-degree feedback evaluation system are to evaluate employees, managers, supervisors, and administration with surveys or rating cards which are handed out to peers, customers, team members, managers, the employee, and administration. When the evaluations are complete and totaled, the management team evaluates how to help the employee and/or management towards personal or professional growth (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001) . This places the employee as the key intention of this appraisal. Actually, when both parties go over the evaluations, the employee can see that this process is not about evaluation, is for career and professional development. Bringing forth, an employee who will dedicate to improving his self-worth to the company. For management, this also proves an ideal way for managers to improve training techniques that will foster growth within the individual and organization (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). Additionally, this type of feedback method also highlights the areas where the company’s training needs improving or enhancement to provide better solutions to the training for the company’s goals (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). When David Neeleman started the process to create JetBlue, he brought on several people that he thought would benefit the company. After, many strategy meetings, they came up with their five main goals: safety, caring, integrity, fun, and passion. In order, for JetBlue, to maintain their five main goals they needed a system that would allow every person in the company to have a voice (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). The preliminary management team was concerned about how they were going maintain the fun in the organization, while maintaining a safe and productive atmosphere, along with how to get all the necessary feedback to their questions. Also, they wanted to provide a convenient and  cost-effective way to satisfy their customers as they grew while maintaining the small company feel. When you look at the case study, Ann Rhodes, Executive vice president for people, was in charge of making a values-based culture to attract, develop and maintain a rapid growth achievement in personnel (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). The 360-degree feedback evaluation would give the organization the needed tools to set up their training model that would express their goals and allow them to foster change quickly and decisively to achieve this scenario. Mr. Dave Barger, the COO, wanted to create a spirit within the company that was fun for both the crew and customers. His ultimate mission was to focus on the people and to keep the company union free. Ms. Rhodes agreed with Mr. Dave Barger. They set up teams that were fluid instead of having major work rules in place that hampered the communication between management and employees or vice versa (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). The ability to pay is the most significant factor when it comes to financial compensation. JetBlue compensates its employees over and above the competitive rate, which attracts highly skilled individuals (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). The performance of an employee is a factor in compensation. If an employee does well and is motivated, this will be noticed by his employer. Resulting in better compensation (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). Most companies are looking for experience this too is another factor in compensation. Experience gives the necessary tools to senior employees to handle difficult situations with leadership and performance. Many executives do not need tr aining and can meld into the job and hit the ground running (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). Many companies hire young, ambitious employees with potential. Potential is another factor. They determine how much compensation is warranted by the perceived potential represented by the individual (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). Today, most companies are looking for employees with seniority. Seniority is a key factor in financial compensation. The longer the employee is on the job, the more salary he or she receives a handsome salary and benefits package. This is due to the ability to multi-task within the organization (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). Job requirements are a factor for compensation. A job that requires specific skills, that happen to be risky or hazardous and have tremendous responsibility, will heighten the wages of the job (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). As organizational strategy, JetBlue excelled at this  factor for compensation. JetBlue wanted rapid growth and also set higher wages than their competitors (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). Discretionary benefits are a deemed gift from the company to the employee. One of these benefits is paid vacations. Vacations from a job, help rest and reinvigorate the crew members and employee so their production does not waiver (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). A growing number of companies have grouped sick time, vacation, and personal days together to form what is known as paid time off (PTO). This is a simpler way of keeping track and helping streamline the administration of days off and eliminates most of the excuses people give to get out of work. This benefit is highly praised by employees (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). On-site healthcare is becoming popular with many employers to help reduce healthcare costs (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). On-site healthcare provides assistance with minor illnesses, injuries, physical therapy, vaccinations, and follow-up care. When employers provide these types of clinics, they it helps to eliminate trips to the emergency room or the doctor’s office which can cost considerably higher (Gittel & Oâ€℠¢Reilly, 2001). Many companies see a great benefit with these on-site healthcare clinics because after implementation, the return on investment is approximately 2.5 to 1 on cost savings (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). Dental and vision care have recently become popular as a discretionary employee benefit. Most employers pay for this benefit with maybe a deductible paid by the employee. Employers believe that if their employees have a nice smiling face and eyes they can see out of, they will be happier employees (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). JetBlue’s goal was to listen to the employees regarding what type of benefits they wanted and never to say no. JetBlue either met or exceeded the industry standard when it came to discretionary benefits (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). Most full-time employees received the following benefits: medical, 401k, profit sharing, double time pay for holidays, and personal time off. Many of the flight attendants received medical coverage plus an additional $500 in pay to help compensate for living in NY. Pilots, dispatchers and technicians were provided with stock options. Pilots got paid training benefits and laptops for checking documents for the certification to fly the A320 Airbus (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). Customer Service agents and ground  crew were paid a dollar more than any other crew at their airport and shift differentials. Many part-time employees received the following benefits: medical, 401K, profit-sharing and double pay if they worked holidays. All benefits started from day one because Ms. Rhodes felt that a probationary period was demeaning to the employee (Gittel & O’Reilly, 2001). References Mondy, R.W. (2012). Human resource management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Gittell, J.H., & O’Reilly, C. (2001). JetBlue airways: starting from scratch [PDF]. Retrieved from Occupation Safety and Health Administration. (2001). OSH Act of 1970. Retrieved from Federal Aviation Administration. (2007). FAA Fair Treatment for Experienced Pilots Act. Retrieved from